Switching from chat software to chat platform

What are the benefits of a chat platform for your website? Let’s have a look at them and discuss their many benefits.

Webmasters’ choice of chat software compared to a chat platform

social chat

A web hosting firm is an organization in charge of all websites on a single server. Thousands of websites are hosted on this server. As a result, web hosting firms take advantage of this chance to cram as many websites as possible onto a single server.

Chat software consumes more memory and space. This is why they are disliked by web hosting firms. Any chat software uses a lot more RAM than you might think. As a result, there is a need to devote additional resources to a website that uses chat software. This also applies to the resources of a web hosting provider.

Because of all the resources it consumes, it has the potential to slow down the entire server. Thousands of sites will be impacted, and some may go down as a result of a single site with installed chat software.

You can prevent this from happening if you use a chat platform like a chat plugin. Because a chat platform is managed by a different server, it does not run on your site. If a problem arises, it will have no direct impact on your website.

However, if this occurs on chat software, it can cause an array of issues, including damage to your site, your overall business and reputation, and your web hosting company.

Models of pricing comparison

chat platform

Here are some considerations to make before deciding on chat software.

  • Downloading of the entire package,
  • The number of servers is determined by the number of chat rooms,
  • Developer fees for installation and upkeep, as well as
  • A new server configuration and migration of current software will be implemented to accommodate all users.

When compared to a chat platform, it is simpler and less expensive because you only need to install it on your site.

What do you require? Only a few lines of HTML code are required. If you decide you don’t want it on your site anymore, simply remove it from the HTML code. It’s very simple and suitable for beginners.

If you decide to upgrade your chat, you can do so at any time. You do not need to hire someone to assist you with the upgrade.

You can also choose what you want to upgrade, such as rooms, keywords, and so on. In contrast to chat software, you will have to upgrade everything.

Get a chat platform

group chat

Regardless of whether it is a separate entity from your site, a chat platform integrates seamlessly with it. It has a plethora of features such as chat customization, intext keywords, various chat types, and much more.

Here are some you can enjoy when you create a free account:

  • You can use any of the six chat types whenever you want.
  • Host exclusive private chats or public social chats.
  • Accept or reject a message in the Moderated Chat before it goes live.
  • Using the in-chat payment feature, you can collect payments and tips.
  • Make polls or hold Q&A sessions.
  • Make private video and audio calls.
  • The Slow-Down Chat feature allows you to manage chat traffic.
  • Take advantage of the outstanding support available to help you along the way.
  • Integrate one or more chat rooms into any platform with ease.

It is clear from reading this article which of the two you should select.

Now is the time to get a hosted group chat! Contact us for a demo at support@rumbletalk.com. You may also sneak a peek of the RumbleTalk features on our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages.

Don’t want to be disturbed? Silence all incoming chat messages

We have a plethora of excellent chat customization options, including chat room sound control. It’s no surprise that, as one of the chat providers on the market, these options extend beyond background images and themes. Of course, the constant beeping of chat messages and sounds are nothing new. We’ve all heard them and are probably annoyed by the constant notifications, which isn’t always easy to turn off—if at all.

Both users and the host of a RumbleTalk chat can silence a chat in which they are participating. Why do you need this feature? It could be anything from the noise being distracting in a quiet environment to being a passive observer who does not want to hear a beep every time a message is posted.

Regardless of the reason, changing your sound notifications in the chat is a breeze.

For admins and chat owners: How to change your sound notifications

sound notifications

It is especially simple for chat owners or hosts. There is a setting in the Multimedia tab that mutes the entire chat for everyone. As a result, no one receives any audible notifications.

Furthermore, administrators have the ability to change the type of sound that everyone hears (of course, only if chat notifications are not muted). There are numerous alternatives. Messages, private messages, phone calls, and user exits can all have their own distinct sound.

All of this is completely optional, and all of those options have a default setting. There is no need for setup unless customization is required. There is even a test-play feature for inexperienced hosts or administrators. Use this when the sounds must be perfect. All of these options, as well as the general mute option, can be found in the Multimedia tab.

The option is available even if the chat is open. So, if a chat room becomes more active than expected, the owner can always mute it later or at the request of a user.

Users can also control the sounds of their chat messages

However, if the owner does not muffle the general chat, a user may still wish to do so.

chat messages

Silencing a chat is as simple as a click for a user. There is a gear icon in at the bottom of the user’s list. Open the chat room settings and toggle the Sound button. This is especially useful in groups, quiet places such as a library, or when headphones are not available.

In a particularly busy chat, the noises can simply become overwhelming—with a beep for each new message, users may prefer manually checking.

In either case, click again the Sound button to unmute the chat.

Controlling the sound of chat messages in a mobile browser

chat messages

A mobile chat is similarly simple. RumbleTalk chat rooms are available on a variety of mobile devices, and they, too, have a mute option. You can follow the same steps on the web browser.

This, like the desktop version, can be undone at any time by clicking on the same symbol again. This can be a very useful option, especially on mobile.

Accessing a chat on a phone is often more convenient than bringing a laptop—with over half of Internet traffic already occurring on mobile devices, it’s no surprise chat functions are also very popular there. However, with phones being so prevalent, there are far more situations in which the constant beeping of chat sounds may be an annoyance.

Because not every provider will likely turn off all sounds, this feature can make using the chat much more convenient.

Interested in other features like this? You can send us a message at support@rumbletalk.com to schedule a free demo. If you’re always on the go and want to learn more about the platform, then see our social media pages.

Add a Streaming Chat to your Live Streaming Session

Do you have trouble connecting with your live audience? Perhaps distractions enter the picture, and you notice your participants gradually dissociating? Notice a lack of physical cues in online forums, which often leads to misunderstandings? Yes, we are aware that virtual communication has flaws. It can be difficult to make genuine connections in today’s digital age. We can easily obtain information online, but it is extremely difficult to engage emotionally. As a result, RumbleTalk has thoughtfully designed a high-quality streaming chat to make your next live stream more enjoyable and interactive. Once you’ve maximized the potential of the streaming chat, you’ll realize that interacting with a live audience is not that hard after all.

Here are streaming chat features to instantly turn your live stream captivating.

Using polls to engage your live audience in the streaming chat

Real-time audience interaction is facilitated by polls. It enables you to host live online interactive events, classes, or conferences with live audience feedback.

streaming chat

In addition to encouraging users to participate and provide feedback on a topic, you can help them remember the topic by personalizing the look of your poll based on the theme. It can also be as simple as assigning a star rating or asking several questions. To actively keep your participants engaged, it’s best to use the poll feature every 15 minutes or so.

With the Moderated Chat, you have complete control

One of Rumbletalk’s key features is the Moderated Chat, which allows for simple moderation. You can designate an administrator to manage the group chat and perform tasks such as the following:

To increase your virtual presence, change your chat type to Moderated Chat. This is a customer-centric approach to building healthier communities.

Using Q&A to establish two-way communication

Another tool for making your audience feel as though they are a part of the conversation. Question and answer sessions are more useful in hybrid meetings and virtual events because they allow everyone to participate. By soliciting their questions, comments, and feedback, they will begin to feel more valued and will remain focused as you respond to their inquiries in real-time.

When you use the Moderated Chat, you can also use it as your Q&A platform.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to hosting a live Q&A session.

Adding a streaming chat to your live streaming session

Now that we’ve established the advantages of having a streaming chat, let’s talk about how you can actually add one.

virtual events
  1. Sign up to RumbleTalk.
  2. Once you have an account, login to the admin panel.
  3. Click Embed.
  4. Choose Embedded or Floating.
  5. Generate an HTML code. Change the chat size dimension if you need to.
  6. Copy and paste it to your website.

You’re all set! This is the basics of adding a streaming chat into your website. If you want to customize the settings of your chat room, then click here for a more in-depth tutorial.

Choosing the best streaming chat platform for a live audience

On top of that, RumbleTalk’s quick and simple integration keeps it at the top of the list of live chat tools. You can easily add a fully functional group chat platform to any website in a matter of minutes thanks to the readily available REST API and Login SDK. As a result, you can spend less time setting up and more time engaging.

Get your free RumbleTalk chat or create your own plan if you need to deliver online meetings, lectures, job fairs, or any other sort of communication in a virtual space. It’s past time for you to invest in a well-designed group chat platform that facilitates more engaging, dynamic, and successful group conversation anywhere.

Need a demo call? Send us a message at support@rumbletalk.com to schedule one.