Q&A Chat: a group
chat solution for
moderated discussions

Control the conversation with a moderated chat. Turn on message moderation to have messages approved or blocked before they're sent to the rest of the group.

RumbleTalk's Moderated Chat

Approve every message with a trusted moderated chat

It takes two minutes to embed your own moderated chat

For live events

Using a moderated chat for live web events is easy, admins pre-approve messages before they get sent out.

With thousands of people logged in to your chat, you can verify that only those messages approved by you will show to all.

For Q&A sessions

Online Q&A session for live discussion or education purposes will ensure that only approved questions are answered.

Q&A sessions - Let users ask questions and answer the one you approve, one by one without interference.

  • The RumbleTalk online group chat platform is the fastest and easiest way to add a full-blown stylish chat room to your site. And our customers? They simply love RumbleTalk!! We have more than 150,000 customer-created chat rooms using RumbleTalk.

    Avishai Abrahami CEO of Wix says about RumbleTalk
    Avishai Abrahami Co-founder & CEO Wix
  • After the event, we received so many emails from attendees giving us rave reviews about the quality of our videos and the smoothness with which our group chat functioned. It was a great improvement to past solutions.

    Rachel Morrill of SolarWinds says about RumbleTalk
    Rachel Morrill Web & Platform Lead, Product Manager SolarWinds
  • Feedback from the team was incredibly positive! Any fears they had - main worries were about lag time, feature failure or inability to juggle Q&A - were quickly squashed once the event started. There was zero lag and the moderators were easily able to manage the Q&A after a quick training session that afternoon of the event.

    Sherry Errera of Agora Financial says about RumbleTalk
    Sherry Errera Senior Manager, Digital Experiences & Optimization Agora Financial
Monetize from your online group chat and live event chat

What are the benefits of using a moderated chat?

The Q&A mode is also called a moderated chat mode. This chat type lets your community join in on your online chat discussion. Anything they type will need to be approved by a moderator before sending it to all.

  • * Easily moderate your live event
  • * Pre-approve messages before they get sent out
  • * Talk with your community by answering their questions via Q&A sessions
  • * Use block and filter words feature as a second layer of moderation
  • * Add paid access on your moderated chat and much more.

A group chat versus a moderated chat

A group chat will let users send messages publicly with no filters, whereas messages in the moderated chat need to be approved by an administrator before sending to all.

What can I do with a moderated chat?

  • * You can screen messages
  • * You can host a Q&A session for your audience
  • * You can seamlessly integrate it to any website or any webpage
  • * You can keep the discussion clean and controlled
RumbleTalk Group chat with multiple chat features

Frequently asked questions

Can I still change from a group chat to a moderated chat?

Yes, you can move between chat types with one click.

Can I have more than one administrator to approve messages?

Yes, you can set multiple adminstrators to approve messages.

Will users be notified if their message gets deleted?

Yes, the message will be deleted from their screen if not approved.

RumbleTalk online group chat platform offers a free forever moderated group chat
and several paid plans with more features, and support.