10 Engaging Poll Ideas for your Events and Team Meetings


Are you seeking ways to engage your audience during a conference, training, webinar, or live event?

Polls are a great way to do this! Asking your audience questions via polls will help to keep them interested and awake! We will show you some poll ideas you can try at your next online event.

There are many ways to use polls. You can learn more about your audience, break the ice, start a conversation, and collect insightful data. What’s not to love? We’ve gathered over 10 poll ideas that can be used for any event. Get ideas from our list!

Team meetings and town halls poll ideas

poll ideas

Even at smaller gatherings such as meetings, communication doesn’t come easy. With the help of polls, you can take your meeting from dull to exciting.

Have you spent many agonizing hours making decisions? Set up a poll and settle things democratically through voting. When you’re about to discuss something, do you hear crickets chirping? Create a poll and a discussion around the results. And much, much more.

Here are some poll ideas to help you make your team meetings more interactive. Your online audience will thank you for this.

  1. Who do you think is fit for the position?
  2. What process is the hardest to tackle?
  3. This quarter, where should we focus our resources?
  4. How would you rate your performance?
  5. Any new ideas for marketing and sales conversion?

NOTE: When the poll votes are tallied and revealed, always follow up on the results and use them to spark a discussion. Even better if there is a significant difference of opinion. Encourage people to explain why they voted on a specific answer, or to expand on their poll responses. This is where the chat room comes in handy.

Online events and webinars poll ideas

Webinars and online events can be quite impersonal and difficult to interact with audiences. Oftentimes, the presenters don’t even get to see their audience members. Therefore, polls are a great way to connect with your audience and get valuable feedback. You can use polls to ask questions and gauge opinions or to get ideas for your next presentation. Explore these poll questions for inspiration.

  1. What’s your take on _____?
  2. Out of all these topics, which calls to you the most?
  3. How would you rate this event?
  4. Anything you want to improve?
  5. What topic should we tackle next?

NOTE: Before presenting an argument, collect your audience’s thoughts on the topic first. This will give you insight into how your audience feels about the topic and allow you to talk more accurately to them. In addition, you’ll bring more perspectives into the discussion.

The floor is yours

Thanks to live polls, you will be able to make your meetings, online events, or training much more diverse and stimulating. Your audience will be able to actively participate and share their thoughts, while you’ll have their full attention.

We hope you will try one of the above poll ideas to turn your online meetings and events from dull to exciting in 2022! You can try RumbleTalk polls for free when you sign up. Contact us at support@rumbletalk.com if you want a free demo.