Master the art of hybrid events with these best practices


Hybrid events are all the rage these days, and it’s no wonder why! With the right planning and execution, they can be truly incredible experiences. Something that will fully immerse your audience in your business, while also increasing brand awareness and delivering impressive ROI. Rumbletalk is crafted to help you master the art of hybrid events. Here are some best practices to follow when planning your next one-of-a-kind event.

Planning hybrid events with RumbleTalk

Organizations should think outside the box when it comes to event planning. This is true especially as budgets continue to shrink and audiences demand more interactive experiences. So, how can marketers master these new trends? Whether your next event will be held in-person or on a live webinar, you’ll want to make sure you are maximizing all opportunities to connect with participants. So, we created a list of things you should keep in mind while planning your next hybrid events.

Keep it casual

Transitioning from face-to-face interaction into remote communication is hard enough for most of us. Making small talk could be good for building connections and developing trust. So, chatting with your audience members before or after an event can help you connect in a more meaningful way. 

Keep the audience engaged with multimedia sharing tools

live chat

Aside from having a speaker at your event, consider incorporating videos and documents before and during your program. With RumbleTalk’s file-sharing tools, you can keep your audience informed by sending multimedia files. For example, sending them tutorial videos, product photos, or a live video of you trying on the product. Furthermore, to get audience members even more involved, ask them to submit questions for you to answer live. 

Select a moderator ahead of time

hybrid events

Look for a moderator who will not only deliver your material but also keep everyone involved and moving forward. The moderator will serve as the admin of your group chat. In the Moderated Chat, he or she has the power to block unwanted users, approve or reject messages before it goes live, mute everyone, and more.

Use polls and Q&A to ask for feedback and suggestions for improvement

chat polls

People who come to your event will have different opinions on what they liked and disliked. But it’s important to find a balance between listening too much to their opinions and staying focused on your own agenda. Always listen for critical feedback that can help you improve. But don’t let outsiders keep you from executing based on their ideas alone. You know what’s best for your business, so trust your instincts above all else.

Make sure both on-site attendees and remote attendees can “enter” the event early to engage in pre-event socializing

So, you’re hosting hybrid events and you have remote attendees. One way to get remote participants more involved in on-site activities is to give them early access to your meeting agenda (maybe even 24 hours in advance). If they can’t be there for kickoff, at least let them know what will happen so they don’t miss out entirely.

In addition, you can send them digital invites with a QR code that leads to your virtual event. This makes it easier and more accessible to your participants.

hybrid events

Make your virtual and hybrid events more inclusive

When planning an event, start by thinking about who you’re trying to reach. It can be difficult to get people involved if they don’t see themselves reflected in your content or are skeptical that they have something to gain from it. If a key part of your audience is a member of underrepresented groups, make sure their voice is heard at your event.

Send us a message at and we’d love to give you a demo of how our solution can work wonders for your next hybrid event.