27 Easy Chat CSS Tricks for Designing your Own Chat Room (WEB & MOBILE)

Controlling your chat design using chat CSS is easy with our advanced design features.

RumbleTalk sets itself ahead of the competition by being the most customizable group chatroom available on the market.

A lot of our customization features are built into our settings menu, making this customization available to anyone at any tech-literate level, and or CSS experts, RumbleTalk group chat can be completely transformed.

But not everyone knows CSS, so we’ve put together this list of easy chat CSS tricks that anyone can copy and paste into the advanced design tab of their RumbleTalk account to get the benefits of a fully customized group chat room.  (Note, for the mobile version, we have other CSS tricks).

All you have to do is:

  1. Copy the chat CSS code from this list.
  2. Log into your RumbleTalk admin panel.
  3. In the chat settings, under “Design”, click on “Add CSS for Web Browsers”.
  4. Paste your code and close the box.

Group Chat Css tricks

In this post, we’ll cover the following chat CSS tricks:

User Icons – Chat CSS tricks

  1. Change the default guest user icon image
  2. Change the user icon size in the user list
  3. Change the user icon size in the chat area
  4. Hide the user icons in the user list
  5. Hide the user icons in the chat area

Functions – Chat CSS tricks

  1. Hide system messages
  2. Hide message date & time
  3. Hide all option buttons
  4. Hide specific option buttons
  5. Insert a clear chat area button
  6. Hide the number of viewers and listeners
  7. Hide the “Go To Facebook Profile” button
  8. Change the emojis

Text – Chat CSS tricks

  1. Change group chat administrators text color
  2. Change the text displayed in the guest login button
  3. Remove the login type label from the user profile
  4. Add borders to the username text
  5. Add borders to the message text
  6. Add an element above the chat in full screen
  7. Hide the QR box
  8. Add closing icon to the floating bouncing icon
  9. Remove the fields image and description in the register
  10. Set max image size in a chat
  11. Set max YouTube size in a chat
  12. Hide Twitter Link in Users Profile
  13. Disable group chat and allow only private chats
  14. Hide scrolling for non-moderators


1. Change the default guest user icon image

You can change the guest user icon to any image by inserting the
image URL into the following code.
.guest-default-image {
background: url("https://www.test.com/storage/usericon.png");

Group Chat Custom Avatars

2. Change the user icon size in the user list

.user-image {
width: 16px;
height: 16px;

large custom user icons

3. Change the user icon size in the chat area

.message-user-image {
width: 16px;
height: 16px;

large user icons

4. Hide the user icons in the user list

.user-image { display: none; }

hide user icons in group chat

5. Hide the user icons in the chat area

.message-user-image { display: none; }

hide chat user icons

Note, if you like to remove the white tooltip next to each message, you can use this code
.main-message-container::after { content: none; }

6. Hide system messages

System messages such as “user joined the conversation” and “user
left the conversation” appear in the group chat area.

.system-message-text { display: none; }

system messages can be turned off

7. Hide message date & time

Each message by default will be stamped with the date and time it
was sent. Use this code to remove this feature.

.message-date { display: none; }

group chat time stamps

8. Hide all option buttons

#options { display: none !important; }

Hide Buttons

9. Hide specific option buttons

Choose the buttons you want to hide. Each of these lines of code
can be copied and pasted individually.

.options-dialog .export {
display: none !important;
export chat transcript
.options-dialog .popup {
display: none !important;
chat fullscreen
.options-dialog .toggle-sound {
display: none;
chat menu

.options-dialog .qr-option { display: none !important; }

qr code

.options-dialog .logout { display: none !important; }

/* This option only applies to mobile */

logout mobile

.options-dialog .toggle-private {
display: none;
chat menu

.options-dialog .font-size {
display: none;
chat menu

.options-dialog .admin-mode-switch {
display: none !important;

/* This option can only be applied by admins */chat tool

.options-dialog .clear-messages {
display: none !important;

/* This option can only be applied by admins. */clear chat messages

10. Insert a clear chat area button

By default, the clear all button is hidden. Insert this button if you
want to have the option to clear all options without deleting them.

#options #clear { display: inline-block !important; }Group Chat Clear All Button

11. Hide the number of viewers and listeners

By default, the number of viewers and listeners is displayed in the
chat. Add this code to remove it.

#info { display: none !important; }

Group Chat Audience

12. Hide the “Go to Facebook Profile” button

When a user uses Facebook to log into the chat, a button will by
default appear in their group chat profile for others to go to their
Facebook profile. Use this code to remove that option.

#user-info .facebook-button { display: none !important;}

Facebook Profile Button

No Facebook Profile Button

13. Change the emojis

Use the following code for each emoji, where the number 10 represents one of the emojis (from 1 to 33, excluding 6), and the URL represents the image you want to replace it with.

.smiley-10 {
width: 0 !important;
padding-right: 30px;
background-image: url("https//www.exampleurl.com/smile2.gif");
height: 30px;

Customize Group Chat Emoji's

14. Change group chat administrators text color

Set yourself apart as the group chat administrator by changing the
color of your username and message text. By default the color is red.

Group Chat Administrator

In the user list

.admin .user-name { color: orange; }

In the group chat

.admin .message-user-name { color: orange; }

15. Change the text displayed in the guest login button

Replace the text “new name” but be certain to leave the (‘) marks
around it.

“color: #000” is the color of the text. In this case, the text will
be black. You can change this with any hex code.

“-20px” is the relative horizontal location of the text. Play with
this value until the text sits in the center.

#login-guest span {
color: transparent !important;
position: relative;
#login-guest span:after {
content: 'Join Us!';
position: relative;
color: #fff;
left: -20px;

Custom Guest Login Text

16. Remove the login type label from the user profile

.login-type { display: none; }

Group Chat Login Option

17. Add borders to the username text

This code will add black and bold borders to the usernames in the chat message area.

font-weight: bold;
text-shadow: -1px 0 black, 0 1px black,
1px 0 black, 0 -1px black;

Bold User Names

18. Add borders to the message text

This code will add black and bold borders to the text in the chat area.

text-shadow: -1px 0 black, 0 1px black,
1px 0 black, 0 -1px black;
font-weight: bold;

Bold Message Text

19. Add an element above the chat in full screen

Many ask us how I can add a player on top of the chat area?
The following code will be added to your HTML (not on RumbleTalk css area) in full screen.

<inner element height> - the height of the extra element
#wrapper { height: 100%; }
#extra-element {
width: 100%;
height: <inner element height>;
padding: 0px;
#chat-wrapper {
position: relative;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
<chat-iframe> {
max-height: calc(100% - <inner element height>);
<div id="wrapper">
<div id="extra-element">THE CODE YOU WANT TO BE ON TOP OF THE PAGE </div>
<div id="chat-wrapper">THE CHAT CODE</div>

add external player on top of your chat.

20. Hide the QR box

When you want to hide the QR option in your chat.

QR code

To remove the button, add the following:

.options-dialog .qr-option { display: none !important; }

To keep the button for chat moderators only, add the following:

.moderator #options #opts { display: list-item; }

21. Add closing icon to the floating bouncing icon

If you want to add a closing icon to the floating icon. You can add this code and make sure you change the hash code (in red).
var hash = 'YOUR_HASH',

handle = setInterval(
function () {
if (
!window.RumbleTalkChat ||
!window.RumbleTalkChat[hash] ||
) {

if (hash == 'YOUR_HASH') {
throw new Error('Someone forgot to replace the place holder "YOUR_HASH" with your chat\'s hash');

var img = new Image();
img.src = 'https://d241b8qep9dzid.cloudfront.net/20190625083406/italic.png';
img.style.cursor = 'pointer';
img.style.position = 'absolute';
img.style.bottom = 0;
img.style.right = 0;
img.onclick = function () {



22. Remove the fields image and description in the register dialog box

Remove the fields image and description from the registration form.
.register-login-dialog form .row:nth-child(n+4) {
display: none;

23. Set max image size in a chat

Add maximum size of an image added to the chat conversation. Clicking on a small image will open it in the original size.
.message-text a img {
max-width: 200px !important;
max-height: 200px;

24. Set max YouTube size in a chat

Add maximum size of a YouTube video in a chat. Clicking on a small image will open it in the original size.

.message-text .youtubeWrapper {
max-width: 300px !important;
max-height: 300px;
  padding: 0;
height: auto;
.youtubeWrapper > iframe {
height: auto;
position: static;


25. Hide Twitter Link in Users Profile

Hide Twitter Link in Users Profile (when clicking on the gear icon in the private chat ).
.twitter-button {
display: none;

26. Disable group chat and allow only private chats

If you want to allow only private chat discussion so all can talk in private but not having a group discussion than choose a chat type “Group chat”, and then add the following CSS to both the web and mobile CSS versions.
{ display: none !important; }

27. Hide scrolling for non-moderators

If you want to prevent the scrolling of the chat message area – which will prevent regular users from accessing old messages, add the following CSS code to both the web and mobile CSS versions:

body:not(.moderator) #chat {
overflow-y: hidden;

When You Need to Add Your Own Unique User Avatar

One of the Key features a chatter is looking for is adding an avatar next to his name.
RumbleTalk gives you the ability to change custom and control your user avatar.

In general, although they look the same, there are several types of avatars.
They are associated with the login option. let’s see what the options are.

User Avatar Default

Guest and Admins by default have default chat avatar. This avatar is showing when login in as guests or as admins. When changing the default avatar is needed, the chat owner can do it using CSS (it is simple, no worries).

To change the avatar, open the chat settings, go to the advanced design, click on the CSS icon and add the CSS code to your preferred chat. Note, you can change the avatar in both web view and mobile view. To see what you need to add, please click on the web/mobile link and go to number 1 tip in this links.

chat css avatar change

1) If you do not have your own image on the web, you can upload to the chat your image and right click on it to get the avatar link.
2) You can also change the default admin text color (by default admins are logged in with red colour).

How to change a managed user or admin avatar

Managed users are participants who log in with a username and password. These login credentials are created by the group chat owner, by the Register option or via the API when you sync your own userbase to the chat room.

Administrators, once created by the group chat owner, are given moderating authority. They can delete messages and disconnect or ban unruly users.

As a group chat owner, log in to your admin panel and select -> settings -> “User”.

chat settings

Add a new user with avatar

From there you can view the field to add your own image. This occurs in one of two ways.

  1. Upload Image – upload an image from your computer (recommended)
  2. Image URL – directly copy and paste an image URL

The default user avatar setting is 35×35 pixels but this can be changed using CSS.

Social avatar users

When a group chat owner allows users to log in with their social credentials, they will show in the chat with there social avatar (facebook or twitter).

See how it looks like!

See below how a user avatar user is displayed in the group chat.

user avatar in group chat

We’re happy to share with you this example of changing icons. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive updates on more new features.

Using a Stock Alerts Chat Room for Social Traders

There are few sectors where speed and good decision-making is more important than in the financial world. Traders of all levels of skill and experience know that just a few seconds can make all the difference. The way to make a decision correctly is to do so after gaining as much information as possible. What sources one uses for that differ from trader to trader. And of course, so do areas of interest and the type of stock they might be interested in. What does this have to do with a stock alerts chat?

chat room - the old way

There are various ways to do this research. While many of them have their distinct advantages, one of the most well-rounded ways is by taking part in a professional community. If you don’t have access to one locally, one of the best ways to go about this is to find a skilled, knowledgeable online community.

Stock Alerts Chat

This is exactly what a RumbleTalk stock alerts chat can be used for. Set up an admin team with years of experience under their belt and help your users make the best decisions as quickly as possible. With both private and group chats, users can find out what they need to know when they need to know it.

signal chat room the new way

In addition to the chat itself, there is another, even more, valuable feature—stock alerts. Stock alerts provide quick and easy-to-action alerts in real time. These bite-sized recommendations tell users what they need to know at a glance. Best yet, they are unobtrusive enough not to interrupt you while you are busy with something else.

Combining alerts with a chat room into a stock alerts chat is nothing new per se, but it is an essential service in the trading market. The recommendations and tips come from a known guru that shares their knowledge and skill through these alerts. In addition to the recommendations themselves, the chat can help clarify questions, give explanations, and more in real time. And they provide all this while allowing users to hear about their guru’s favorite stocks as soon as he or she does.

What Are the Benefits?

A significant part of trading is making educated guesses and taking chances to get the best payoffs. With this service, a lot of the guesswork involved is removed. Chats give users immediate access to an expert’s recommendations and advice on the movements of the market. They also provide a whole team of experienced admins to answer questions in a live chat every day. The experts can give advice to users new to trading and more experienced ones. The chat is both a tool to improve and to stay on top of an ever-changing market.

The system is very easy to use and intuitive, meaning users will get the hang of it very quickly and notice improvements in their results almost immediately. In other words: they can spend less time on guessing and more time focusing on their work. The stock alerts service is paid-for, thus restricting it to a select few, keeping the available information more relevant and exclusive.

Focus on What Matters

Users can receive the alerts and use the chat on any device of their choosing, from a laptop or computer to a phone or tablet if they are on the go. In fact, you can even set up an auto-login to save you valuable time when accessing the alerts and chats. You’ll be able to review older alerts and chat sections just as you need to. If you miss something, you can always keep up by looking through previous conversations.

The alerts and chat room are suitable for both experienced traders as well as newer ones. So no matter where your users are on their journey, RumbleTalk’s chat and an alert system can be hugely beneficial.

This is especially true for those busy during normal market hours. If one misses an alert or two, the chat keeps the history. This allows users to focus their attention where it’s most needed at the time, and then go back and view it later if need be. All-in-all, the chat lets you know exactly what stocks to narrow your focus on and when to possibly consider adding to what the guru believes to be the best long term, swing trade positions.