Which RumbleTalk product is the one for you?

Here at RumbleTalk, we have different products that we offer. From group chats to moderated chats, there’s always a product that’s the one for you.

RumbleTalk was established in 2012. It has been years since we launched. Therefore, there are already lots of new products since then.

So, why don’t we check them out? You might find the perfect product that you can use.

The different products of RumbleTalk

1. Group chat

RumbleTalk started with a group chat only. Group chats are social chats that you can use for different websites.

The primary use of a group chat is to stay connected with your members. In a group chat, you can send public messages to everyone.

Private messaging is also available. However, there are three options that a chat owner can choose for private messaging.


  • Everyone can initiate a conversation with everyone.
  • Only administrators can initiate conversations.
  • Everyone can initiate conversations with administrators only.

In private messaging, users can hold one-on-one audio and video calls. Also, admins can request private payments from other users. Let’s talk about that in another paragraph.

2. Expert’s chat

web-based counselling chat

As the name says, the expert’s chat is designed for experts or professionals in their respective skills.

The expert’s chat functions as a one-on-one chat only. The admin is the only one who’ll see the other active members of the chat.

If the admin is not active or around, the members of the chat cannot initiate conversation. Only the admin can initiate conversation in an expert’s chat.

Like the group chat, chat owners can also add paid access to the expert’s chat. We will talk about that in a bit.

3. Moderated chat

A moderated chat is a chat that lets admins pre-approve messages before they get sent out. This means that members of that chat cannot instantly send messages.

Every message is screened by an admin. So, it’s up to the admin whether it is approved or not.


Moderated chats are great for big events, conferences, or Q&As. That’s why we also call it Q&A mode.

4. RumbleTalk’s InChatPay and PayConnect

In all of the chat types above, you can add InChatPay and PayConnect. These act as paid access or in-chat payments.

There are two categories surrounding payments:

  • InChatPay
  • PayConnect

Firstly, InChatPay refers to donations and private payment requests. For donations, as long as it’s active, anyone can donate in the chat.


For private payment requests, only the admin can ask for payments from another user. Non-admin users cannot ask other users or admins for payments.

online privacy chat room

On the other hand, PayConnect refers to adding paid access to your chat. This can be in the form of an entrance fee or a subscription fee.

When you add an entrance fee, users can enter your chat from minutes to months.


When you add a subscription fee, users can enter your chat for a month or a yearly basis. In turn, you create a membership chat where only certain users have access to your chat.

So, which RumbleTalk product do you like best?

From all the products shown above, what clicks to you the most?

If you’re a website owner, the group chat might be the perfect product for you. You can chat with your followers and connect with them.

Are you a professional or a guru in your field? You can use the expert’s chat to chat with clients. It’s a one-on-one conversation so privacy will not be an issue for both parties.

If you’re going to use the chat for an event or a conference, then you should go for the moderated chat. It’s useful to approve messages before they get sent out. So, you can make sure the no spam or hateful messages are sent in the chat.

If you’re an entrepreneur or a small-business owner, then you can ask for donations or private payments via InChatPay. By adding RumbleTalk’s PayWall, you save your customers the hassle of going out for bank transactions.

Each product has a different use and target. They may have overlapping features, but there’s something unique in each one.

Want to know more about RumbleTalk’s features? Check out our blog or our features page to know more.

Social distance tips: 5 ways to use a group chat

With the implementation of social distancing and self-quarantine by the government, how can you stay in touch with your friends and loved ones? You don’t have a choice but to practice social distance as you cannot break the rules or risk other people’s health.

However, we all know that it’s not easy to stay at home. Especially if you’re an extrovert, you’re used to seeing people at work or hanging out with your friends.

The coronavirus news and circumstances have been draining all of us, mentally and physically.

In times like these, we’re grateful to have social media and chat platforms. If this had happened years ago, we wouldn’t be blessed with such advanced technology.

Through social media and chat platforms, we can stay connected virtually.

Therefore, here are a few ways in which you can use a group chat to stay connected.

1. Check up on your friends and family through messages

By setting up a group chat, you can chat with your family members, relatives, and friends. Think of your friends and family who might be quarantined alone.

Check up on them once in a while so they don’t feel like they’re battling this crisis alone. If they’re feeling extra lonely, you can then move on to video calls if they want some virtual company.

2. Virtual company through audio and video calls

Eating alone? Or maybe you’re in different cities and you just miss someone far away? Then, call your friends or family. You might be eating in different parts of the world, but you can still eat at the same time.

This will make both parties feel more secure and happy that you’re in this together.

chat platforms

Another example would be on video calling on special occasions. Because of the virus, you cannot celebrate or party like normal. Video call on a special occasion and celebrate by talking or hanging virtually.

The best way you can celebrate is when you’re surrounded by your friends and loved ones.

3. Host a watch party

Are you familiar with watch parties? You can host one via social media or through a minisite. Watch your favorite YouTube series or shorts and talk about it in your chat.

When you’re at home, you can feel a bit lonely and weary. This way you won’t feel bored because of the repetitive days. You still find ways to have fun with everyone.

4. Create a virtual event (maybe a parody on social distance)

Do you know that there’s another use for your minisite? With it, you can create your own virtual event. Think of it as broadcasting yourself to others.

For that, you can use YouTube Live. Link it on your minisite, and voila! You’ve created a virtual event.

Invite your friends and family to watch your event. Also, chat among yourselves and use it as entertainment. You’re mixing it up by putting yourself out there and not moping at home.

5. Share selfies and videos

social distance

Getting bored at home? Share some wacky photos of yourself or cute videos for a change! Invite your friends and family to do the same.

If you start, then there’s someone who will reply and keep the chain going. It’s a nice change of pace than just being gloomy all day.

In addition to that, you can also send motivational posts or links for someone else to read. There’s no limit to sharing fun and helpful information. It’s always best to be prepared and make daily chores bearable.

Surviving the social distance

Social distance is not a problem if you have social media and a group chat. You can try lots of things you haven’t tried since you had your chat. Like the examples above, you might just want to host a watch party or hold a virtual event.

In these times, remember that you’re not alone. The world is witnessing this pandemic together. Together we fight.

If you’re feeling lonely, don’t hesitate to reach out to someone. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health.

Create your group chat today.

How to Create a Minisite for Online Worship Services

The coronavirus pandemic is shifting the world to a digital one. As a member of the church, how are you coping? Some churches have temporarily halted their worship services and masses. Will you do the same or are you open to the idea of online worship services?

Online worship is the same as traditional worship. The only difference is you do it online.

Usually, the mass is broadcasted live with church members. However, because of the ongoing pandemic, the only ones present in the service are the pastor, altar servers, and the cameraman.

By taking your worship online, you give your members hope, especially in times like these. So, let’s talk about how your church can take worship to a modernized one.

Miniaturize your church website

Already have a dedicated website for your church? You can have a mini version of it. Focusing only on a specific page, for this instance, your online worship service, it will be easy to create.

What are the elements that are included in your minisite?

  • Your own chat – open or closed chat
  • YouTube link – for your live broadcast
  • Description – all about your church
  • Header and profile images – images that can distinguish your church
  • Social media share buttons – share your minisite to Facebook and Twitter
  • Text area – anything you want to say to your members or visitors

These elements are available for you to change. Also, the chat is unique to this minisite. You cannot change the chat, but you can customize it via CSS or skins.

Creating your online worship minisite

How can you create a minisite for your church?

  • Firstly, you need to register to RumbleTalk. Just go to the RumbleTalk website and click Sign up.
  • Next, on your admin panel, you will see Page. Click that and you’ll be redirected to another page. This is the Page section, which acts as your minisite.
  • Lastly, customize the page to your liking. A default template is set so you won’t have any problems with coding or website development. All you need to do is change it according to your church or organization.

The following are step-by-step visuals of the procedure.

online class
online worship

Use the chat as an online donation platform

As with all churches, donations are a vital part of worship. With this minisite, you don’t have to leave that out. This can help you gain donations.

For members of the church, they can donate via chat. To enable donation in your chat, go back to your admin panel. Then, go to Monetize Settings and check the box for donations. Don’t forget to save your changes, else it will not reflect.

To make a donation, members of the church should log-in. They can choose from five methods:

  1. Guest
  2. Facebook
  3. Twitter
  4. Username
  5. Register as a new user

If they choose to register as a new user, the next time they donate, they can log-in with their username and password.

Should they wish to be anonymous, they can also log-in as a guest user. Facebook and Twitter log-ins will show their respective profiles on their social media platforms. This means that it will show their name and profile picture.

After that, they can donate by clicking the dollar sign on the text box. They can choose to donate via their PayPal account or their credit/debit cards. It’s that easy.


Additionally, they can write a personalized message for each donation. The minimum donation for each transaction is $2, while the maximum is $100.


You can refer to the example above where the chat is used for donations. In parallel with your YouTube live stream, you can collect donations simultaneously.

Also, you can read this blog post if you want to know more about how donations work for churches and non-profit organizations.

Online worship made easy

Just because the world has turned to online measures doesn’t mean you need to stop all church services. There’s always an alternative.

Moreover, your members need the church’s guidance more than ever. The pandemic is causing panic. As part of the church, it’s your task to guide and keep the faith in people’s hearts.

With a minisite, you can chat with your members and let them donate for a good cause. Also, you share the Word to your members even if they cannot attend the mass personally. You give them an option and that’s always better than canceling all worship services.

Want to get started with your minisite? Then, visit RumbleTalk to know more about the feature.