What are the different rights of an admin user in a group chat?

Chat owners can assign admin users to their respective group chats. As the chat owner, it’s also good to appoint yourself as one.

Admins can do a lot of different things for the group chat. They may not be chat owners, but they also have power in the actual chat.

To demonstrate this, here are the different things that admins can do in a group chat.

Let’s start with the basics. Then, we’ll also discuss the special rights of an admin user.

Different things that an admin user can do in a group chat

First, let’s talk about the basic rights of an admin. These are the following:

  1. Admins can delete group messages;
  2. Ban IP addresses;
  3. Disconnect users.
  4. Clear all messages in the chat room;
  5. Have the option to enable admin mode.

First things first, all of these can only be done by admins. That’s why if you want to have these rights, be sure to appoint admins in a chat room.

So, let’s talk about each admin right. The first one is deleting group messages. This means that admins can delete messages in the same text box.


Secondly, admins can ban IP addresses. Of course, this is self-explanatory. Banning an IP address of another user means that the specific user cannot enter the group chat again unless the admins delete the IP address from the banned list.

community chat

The third one is a lesser equivalent of banning. Disconnecting a user means that the user will be immediately disconnected for the time being. Banning and disconnecting users can be used for spam, trolls, or anything negative that you don’t want in your group chat.

Clearing all messages in the chat room is also a handy right that only admins can do. So, in one click, admins can choose to delete all messages in the chat room. With that, they can also delete all private chat messages in one swoop.

mute button

Lastly, admin mode lets admins talk to each other in a group chat without worrying that a user will send a message in between. Since the admin mode only lets admins talk, non-admin users cannot send any messages in the group chat. Admins can use this for lectures, notifications, etc.

chat tool

So, that’s only the basic rights of an admin. What are the other rights? Let’s talk about some special ones.

Moderating a group chat

In a moderated chat, admins can approve or delete messages. However, non-administrator users will not be able to see their messages unless they get approved.

moderated chat

Using a moderated chat is advisable for live events, speaker-to-audience discussions, or conferences. The admins act as moderators of the chat.

Therefore, admins do not need the permission of other admins to send a message. When admins send a message, all users will immediately see the message.

remote team

Special administrator rights

Since we’ve shared the basic rights of an admin, here are the special rights of an admin user.

  1. Allow only admins to start a private chat;
  2. Start a video call;
  3. Export chat transcript
  4. Share files;
  5. Record audio and video messages.

These settings can usually be done by all users. However, you can also allow it for admins only. This is done to make your chat more manageable.

For the first one, you can see this option in the private chat options on your admin panel. Choose Only administrators can initiate conversations.


This means that the admins will be the only ones who can initiate private chat conversations.

For numbers 2, 4, and 5, you can see all settings in the Multimedia option on your admin panel.


By choosing for administrators only, this means that all the features above will only appear and work for admins.

Lastly, exporting a chat transcript can be made for admins only via Menu Options on your admin panel. You will see various settings here for the chat menu.

menu options

As you can see, there are a lot of options that you can enable for admins only. If you want a specific option for admins only, just choose Only admins can see.

This is not only limited to exporting a chat transcript. Therefore, play with the options and see what works best for your chat!

Adding more admins

Want to add more admins on your account? If yes, then upgrade your account! You can choose from different upgrades and adding admins is one of them. You can add up to 20 admins.

If you want to add more, then contact us directly on your admin panel or the website. Whichever works for you, we’ll be sure to respond ASAP.

We’ll see you on the next blog!

3 Ways to Better Control a Group Chat Discussion

Any group chat discussion should have various tools to control the discussion. Let’s try to explain the ways to control this discussion by giving a live example.

A psychologist (therapist) named Dana who is heavily using the RumbleTalk chat room platform, has created over than 100 chat rooms. In addition, she is part of our Beta group which means she can get all of our new features first before any official release.

The group chat discussion

When we started, Dana was using the group chat discussion to support a woman after giving birth. She seems to be always in the chat, sometimes she spends 18 hours a day in the chat. As time passed, she created more support group chats for various subjects.

Dana is using the chat platform to support large groups discussions but lately, she started to use also the option to call directly from the chat and talk verbally with users (audio calls).

Live video or in this case Audio calls are being performed from the one on one private chat option.

Now, she is running always into challenges that most group discussion owners are facing. Here are the 3 ways to handle the most common challenges as an administrator (moderator).

Admin Only Feature

Dana’s chat is set to allow all users to upload files and images.
Now, normally this is fine, but there are occasions when Dana wishes to be the only one to upload presentations and documents. She wants the focus and the attention of the group.

In that case, Dana is going to the admin panel and allowing only ADMIN’s to share files (Chat settings -> Multimedia tab). This will result in hiding the attached icon on the bottom right for all users but the admin.

Dana is also able to allow “only admins” (her mostly) to use voice calls or video calls.
This will prevent users from talking to each other in case Dana needs to get their full attention.

Ban or disconnect Users

Dana experiences from time to time  (like most chat owners) the need to deal with trolls or just users that misbehave. We help her by allowing 3 levels of control.

Block User – Ignore private messages from a certain user, this is good if someone is bugging her with messages. Note, the bugging user will not see that she blocked him and will think she ignores him. This option is available to any chatter.

Disconnect User – If a user is misbehaving, Dane may disconnect him as a warning.
This is only available for the admin (moderator) of the chat.

Ban User by IP – You can block a user’s IP (his computer address) from connecting to the chat.
Banning a user is only available for the admin (moderator) of the chat. Unbanning a user can be done from the admin panel in the BAN-IP section.

Force All to Logout

Dana always places an OFFLINE message when she finishes her group discussion session. Now, this offline message will result in disconnecting all users from the chat. Therefore, Dana is using it from time to time to disconnect all users, then she is able to change settings and only when she is ready, does she let all in,  after she releases the offline mode.

Offline ON/OFF is done from the admin panel, in the settings section, in the offline tab.

Offline message

Introducing the RumbleTalk Admin Panel!

Here at RumbleTalk, we’ve been busy working behind the scenes to bring you something really special—an overview of the admin panel!

While we regularly release new front-end features such as moving and resizing the private chat window or even deleting messages in a private chat, today, we would like to look back at our admin panel. You’ve guessed it right—we’re here to give you a quick tour!

The admin panel has a variety of new settings including options, features, advanced settings, and more. Read on to see what’s included and if what you’re looking for is present.

Quick overview of the admin panel

1) Clean and Sleek Look

First things first, when it comes to back-end settings, we think it’s important not only to be functional but also to look great! The updated design is an all-in-one admin panel. It packs everything into one easy-to-use screen. Unlike the previous one that looked boxy and a bit cluttered, now it looks sleek and clean. With the new white and green colors, it represents RumbleTalk as a user-friendly interface.

chat membership

In the updated design, you can just click on any of the individual settings and you’ll be redirected. For example, see “Chat type” right there? If you click it, the other chat types will pop-up and you can immediately change it.

admin panel
admin panel

2) The Admin Panel Has Super Fast Load Times

In our previous admin panel, we can see that the interface was less responsive. Therefore, we’ve upgraded and loading time is quick as it can get. Now, the biggest benefit provided by the admin panel is its fast response. In just a click, you’ll be almost immediately redirected to the settings page. Finally, you don’t have to wait that much longer!

In addition, once you’re in the admin panel, you’ll see every setting on one page. So, if you decide to change one, the loading time it will take is not slow. This gives you a fast and easy-to-use admin panel.

3) You Can Export Your Users into a CSV File

If you want to export your users, it’s now possible with the admin panel. This option exports your users in a spreadsheet and is particularly handy if you want to take note of attendees. For those who use more advanced CRM programs, by exporting users in a CSV file, you can then upload and integrate the chat users with your other systems. This is the simplest way to do that.

4) New Search Option to Look for Users in the Users Tab

Are you having trouble looking for a specific user in your users list? Well, now you can search for that user using the search option. This is great for chat owners who just have too many users in one chat. By taking advantage of this option, you don’t have to scroll through a long list just to find an individual chatter. Just search his/her name and let the admin panel do all the work for you. The search option is simultaneous, meaning it searches while you type.

To do a quick search through your database of users, first, click on the “Users” tab. Then, simply type a name into the “Search” box. As a result, the user you’re looking for will pop right up.

admin panel

Here’s an example of searching for a user. In here, we searched for “admin.”

That’s how the search option works! If you have too many users in one place, then you can just search and arrange them. You can change their names or even delete them.

5) New Archive Settings and Icons Added

Lastly, we’ve added an option to enable or disable the archive settings. What does this mean? This means that you can turn on or off the chat history. It can be seen by everyone or only the admin. Also, there’s an added option where you can export the transcripts of a chat.

To do this, you need to go to “History” in the admin panel. You will see the aforementioned features.

admin panel

In the previous example, you can export transcripts through the following:

  • as HTML,
  • as CSV,
  • and as Word (although this is still in beta mode).

Choose what works best for you.

6) An Admin Panel for Every Chat Room

Previously, all the chat rooms were displayed on one page. Now, for a cleaner look, each chat room has its own admin panel. For example, if you have multiple rooms, you can customize the settings of each one. In addition, we even added the option of duplicating chat rooms.

To do this, you can click the “Duplicate chat” button on the top right corner. You can select what you want to duplicate, from settings to the actual design. You will now see the duplicated chat on the list of your chat rooms. Beside it is the option to delete your chat, which is also a feature that wasn’t available in the old admin panel.

duplicated chat

As a customizable chat room, you can also try out different themes for every chat room. Every chat room has a purpose. For each one, you can find what theme and background suits it best. You no longer have to stick with only one when you can have different designs.


Want to know more about us?

For those who are already used to the previous settings, the updated admin panel already incorporated everything in the old one. Users don’t have to worry about not understanding the admin panel. You can always check out the knowledge base if you’re having a hard time looking for something.

On our end, we are very excited to bring these developments and look forward to hearing your feedback. To contact us about the admin panel, you can also do so by clicking on your profile. Choose “Support” and a page will pop-up. We’d love to know how we can help and how we can improve our platform. If you’re not yet a user but you want to know more about our platform, contact us on Facebook or Twitter. We’ll do our best to accommodate your concerns and questions about us.