27 Easy Chat CSS Tricks for Designing your Own Chat Room (WEB & MOBILE)

Controlling your chat design using chat CSS is easy with our advanced design features.

RumbleTalk sets itself ahead of the competition by being the most customizable group chatroom available on the market.

A lot of our customization features are built into our settings menu, making this customization available to anyone at any tech-literate level, and or CSS experts, RumbleTalk group chat can be completely transformed.

But not everyone knows CSS, so we’ve put together this list of easy chat CSS tricks that anyone can copy and paste into the advanced design tab of their RumbleTalk account to get the benefits of a fully customized group chat room.  (Note, for the mobile version, we have other CSS tricks).

All you have to do is:

  1. Copy the chat CSS code from this list.
  2. Log into your RumbleTalk admin panel.
  3. In the chat settings, under “Design”, click on “Add CSS for Web Browsers”.
  4. Paste your code and close the box.

Group Chat Css tricks

In this post, we’ll cover the following chat CSS tricks:

User Icons – Chat CSS tricks

  1. Change the default guest user icon image
  2. Change the user icon size in the user list
  3. Change the user icon size in the chat area
  4. Hide the user icons in the user list
  5. Hide the user icons in the chat area

Functions – Chat CSS tricks

  1. Hide system messages
  2. Hide message date & time
  3. Hide all option buttons
  4. Hide specific option buttons
  5. Insert a clear chat area button
  6. Hide the number of viewers and listeners
  7. Hide the “Go To Facebook Profile” button
  8. Change the emojis

Text – Chat CSS tricks

  1. Change group chat administrators text color
  2. Change the text displayed in the guest login button
  3. Remove the login type label from the user profile
  4. Add borders to the username text
  5. Add borders to the message text
  6. Add an element above the chat in full screen
  7. Hide the QR box
  8. Add closing icon to the floating bouncing icon
  9. Remove the fields image and description in the register
  10. Set max image size in a chat
  11. Set max YouTube size in a chat
  12. Hide Twitter Link in Users Profile
  13. Disable group chat and allow only private chats
  14. Hide scrolling for non-moderators


1. Change the default guest user icon image

You can change the guest user icon to any image by inserting the
image URL into the following code.
.guest-default-image {
background: url("https://www.test.com/storage/usericon.png");

Group Chat Custom Avatars

2. Change the user icon size in the user list

.user-image {
width: 16px;
height: 16px;

large custom user icons

3. Change the user icon size in the chat area

.message-user-image {
width: 16px;
height: 16px;

large user icons

4. Hide the user icons in the user list

.user-image { display: none; }

hide user icons in group chat

5. Hide the user icons in the chat area

.message-user-image { display: none; }

hide chat user icons

Note, if you like to remove the white tooltip next to each message, you can use this code
.main-message-container::after { content: none; }

6. Hide system messages

System messages such as “user joined the conversation” and “user
left the conversation” appear in the group chat area.

.system-message-text { display: none; }

system messages can be turned off

7. Hide message date & time

Each message by default will be stamped with the date and time it
was sent. Use this code to remove this feature.

.message-date { display: none; }

group chat time stamps

8. Hide all option buttons

#options { display: none !important; }

Hide Buttons

9. Hide specific option buttons

Choose the buttons you want to hide. Each of these lines of code
can be copied and pasted individually.

.options-dialog .export {
display: none !important;
export chat transcript
.options-dialog .popup {
display: none !important;
chat fullscreen
.options-dialog .toggle-sound {
display: none;
chat menu

.options-dialog .qr-option { display: none !important; }

qr code

.options-dialog .logout { display: none !important; }

/* This option only applies to mobile */

logout mobile

.options-dialog .toggle-private {
display: none;
chat menu

.options-dialog .font-size {
display: none;
chat menu

.options-dialog .admin-mode-switch {
display: none !important;

/* This option can only be applied by admins */chat tool

.options-dialog .clear-messages {
display: none !important;

/* This option can only be applied by admins. */clear chat messages

10. Insert a clear chat area button

By default, the clear all button is hidden. Insert this button if you
want to have the option to clear all options without deleting them.

#options #clear { display: inline-block !important; }Group Chat Clear All Button

11. Hide the number of viewers and listeners

By default, the number of viewers and listeners is displayed in the
chat. Add this code to remove it.

#info { display: none !important; }

Group Chat Audience

12. Hide the “Go to Facebook Profile” button

When a user uses Facebook to log into the chat, a button will by
default appear in their group chat profile for others to go to their
Facebook profile. Use this code to remove that option.

#user-info .facebook-button { display: none !important;}

Facebook Profile Button

No Facebook Profile Button

13. Change the emojis

Use the following code for each emoji, where the number 10 represents one of the emojis (from 1 to 33, excluding 6), and the URL represents the image you want to replace it with.

.smiley-10 {
width: 0 !important;
padding-right: 30px;
background-image: url("https//www.exampleurl.com/smile2.gif");
height: 30px;

Customize Group Chat Emoji's

14. Change group chat administrators text color

Set yourself apart as the group chat administrator by changing the
color of your username and message text. By default the color is red.

Group Chat Administrator

In the user list

.admin .user-name { color: orange; }

In the group chat

.admin .message-user-name { color: orange; }

15. Change the text displayed in the guest login button

Replace the text “new name” but be certain to leave the (‘) marks
around it.

“color: #000” is the color of the text. In this case, the text will
be black. You can change this with any hex code.

“-20px” is the relative horizontal location of the text. Play with
this value until the text sits in the center.

#login-guest span {
color: transparent !important;
position: relative;
#login-guest span:after {
content: 'Join Us!';
position: relative;
color: #fff;
left: -20px;

Custom Guest Login Text

16. Remove the login type label from the user profile

.login-type { display: none; }

Group Chat Login Option

17. Add borders to the username text

This code will add black and bold borders to the usernames in the chat message area.

font-weight: bold;
text-shadow: -1px 0 black, 0 1px black,
1px 0 black, 0 -1px black;

Bold User Names

18. Add borders to the message text

This code will add black and bold borders to the text in the chat area.

text-shadow: -1px 0 black, 0 1px black,
1px 0 black, 0 -1px black;
font-weight: bold;

Bold Message Text

19. Add an element above the chat in full screen

Many ask us how I can add a player on top of the chat area?
The following code will be added to your HTML (not on RumbleTalk css area) in full screen.

<inner element height> - the height of the extra element
#wrapper { height: 100%; }
#extra-element {
width: 100%;
height: <inner element height>;
padding: 0px;
#chat-wrapper {
position: relative;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
<chat-iframe> {
max-height: calc(100% - <inner element height>);
<div id="wrapper">
<div id="extra-element">THE CODE YOU WANT TO BE ON TOP OF THE PAGE </div>
<div id="chat-wrapper">THE CHAT CODE</div>

add external player on top of your chat.

20. Hide the QR box

When you want to hide the QR option in your chat.

QR code

To remove the button, add the following:

.options-dialog .qr-option { display: none !important; }

To keep the button for chat moderators only, add the following:

.moderator #options #opts { display: list-item; }

21. Add closing icon to the floating bouncing icon

If you want to add a closing icon to the floating icon. You can add this code and make sure you change the hash code (in red).
var hash = 'YOUR_HASH',

handle = setInterval(
function () {
if (
!window.RumbleTalkChat ||
!window.RumbleTalkChat[hash] ||
) {

if (hash == 'YOUR_HASH') {
throw new Error('Someone forgot to replace the place holder "YOUR_HASH" with your chat\'s hash');

var img = new Image();
img.src = 'https://d241b8qep9dzid.cloudfront.net/20190625083406/italic.png';
img.style.cursor = 'pointer';
img.style.position = 'absolute';
img.style.bottom = 0;
img.style.right = 0;
img.onclick = function () {



22. Remove the fields image and description in the register dialog box

Remove the fields image and description from the registration form.
.register-login-dialog form .row:nth-child(n+4) {
display: none;

23. Set max image size in a chat

Add maximum size of an image added to the chat conversation. Clicking on a small image will open it in the original size.
.message-text a img {
max-width: 200px !important;
max-height: 200px;

24. Set max YouTube size in a chat

Add maximum size of a YouTube video in a chat. Clicking on a small image will open it in the original size.

.message-text .youtubeWrapper {
max-width: 300px !important;
max-height: 300px;
  padding: 0;
height: auto;
.youtubeWrapper > iframe {
height: auto;
position: static;


25. Hide Twitter Link in Users Profile

Hide Twitter Link in Users Profile (when clicking on the gear icon in the private chat ).
.twitter-button {
display: none;

26. Disable group chat and allow only private chats

If you want to allow only private chat discussion so all can talk in private but not having a group discussion than choose a chat type “Group chat”, and then add the following CSS to both the web and mobile CSS versions.
{ display: none !important; }

27. Hide scrolling for non-moderators

If you want to prevent the scrolling of the chat message area – which will prevent regular users from accessing old messages, add the following CSS code to both the web and mobile CSS versions:

body:not(.moderator) #chat {
overflow-y: hidden;

11 CSS tricks to style up your mobile group chat theme

When you want to design your chat theme using CSS, you can design your web version with the admin panel. This will change the chat’s look on your PC & laptop. See here instructions on how to do it.

Now, since the mobile version is totally different than the web version, one has the option to create their own custom mobile CSS design.  RumbleTalk introduced a feature that allows customers to design also their mobile group chat theme using CSS.

All you have to do is:

  1. Copy the CSS code you find suitable from this post.
  2. Log into your RumbleTalk admin panel.
  3. In the chat settings, under “Design”, click on “Add CSS for Mobile Browsers”.
  4. Paste your code and close the box.

mobile css editor

Using CSS adjustment is an advanced feature that is available for customers with CSS knowledge.You can see below some common tricks asked by customers to control their mobile design.

1. Changing the default image of a guest user using CSS

User icon guest   You may change the default guest user for your mobile group chat to any image by using your own image URL.

#list > div:not(.admin) .user-image,
.main-message-container:not(.admin) .message-user-image {
  width: 0 !important;
  padding-right: 32px;
  background-image: url("//rumbletalk-images-upload.s3.amazonaws.com/cc244d13c0e7e7bb6c4b63830314dc61/1444667334-usericon-blue.png");
  background-repeat: no-repeat;

user image change via css

2. Changing the ADMIN image

User icon admin   You may change the default ADMIN user to any image by using your own image URL.
.admin .user-image,
.admin .message-user-image {
background-image: url("//rumbletalk-images-upload.s3.amazonaws.com/cc244d13c0e7e7bb6c4b63830314dc61/1444667334-usericon-white.png");

2. Changing the ADMIN text color

You may change the default ADMIN text color.
.admin .message-user-name,
.admin .user-name {
color: #2DA8E0 !important;

3. Changing the Top and/or Bottom Bar color

You may change the color on the header and footer area of your mobile chat.
#top-bar-right { background-color: #3D5B9B; }
#bottom button { background-color: #3D5B9B; }

header and footer color change

4. Changing the chat background color

You may change the chat background from white to any color you want.
#chat { background-color: #607D8B; }

5. Load background image

You may load any image as your mobile chat background.
#chat { background: url("//d1pfint8izqszg.cloudfront.net/images/skins/40000/background.jpg") no-repeat scroll center center; }

change chat background color

6. Change Fonts size

You may change the size of the font to your own liking.

Font of the messages a user sends:
#chat { font-size: 20px; }
Username font in the chat area (next to the messages):
.message-user-name { font-size: 20px; }
The username font in the user’s list:
.user-name { font-size: 20px; }
The font in the setting buttons:
#options-mobile li a span { font-size: 20px; }


7. Hide Buttons in the chat menu

You may hide buttons in the mobile menu view.

Hide Full Screen button
.options-dialog .popup {
display: none !important;

Hide QR code button
.options-dialog .qr-option {
display: none !important;

Hide font size buttons

.options-dialog .font-size {
display: none;

Hide pin the position button
.pin-li { display: none; }

Hide sound on/off button
.options-dialog .toggle-sound {
display: none;

Hide logout button
.options-dialog .logout {
display: none !important;

Hide export transcript button

.options-dialog .export {
display: none !important;

8. Change Message Background Color

Changing the message background color include, changing the background, changing the text color and changing the tip at the message (the small triangle pointing to the user image).
.message-bubble { background-color: #333333 !important; }
.message-text { color: #ffffff; }
.main-message-container::after {
border-left-color: #333333;
border-right-color: #333333;

9. Change the user’s list background color

Changing the user’s list background.
#list-frame { background-color: #183f07; }

Admin only CSS tricks

10. Removing admin mode option from the chat menu

This will remove the admin mode option.

.options-dialog .admin-mode-switch { display: none; }

chat tool

11. Removing the option to delete chat messages from the chat menu

This will remove the option to delete chat messages.

.options-dialog .clear-messages { display: none !important; }

clear chat messages

WordPress Chat Integration Made Easy – Connect your Usersbase with a Click

What if I tell you that a WordPress chat integration is a click away. We have tried to make user base integration easy, so we took all the heavy lifting from you and made one checkbox to allow your chat to be fully integrated with your WordPress database.

Now your registered users will be able to automatically login to your WordPress chat room. This means that the chat can be accessed only by WordPress users, registered and/or by users, you decide to set as admin or simple users in the RumbleTalk users management.

Chat and User Base Integration made easy

WordPress chat integration is perfect not only for WordPress users base but for all products using it underneath, like members plugins, BBpress or BuddyPress plugin.

integarte your users base with WordPress. WP Chat Integration Made Easy

This feature is for companies that wish to create a private members group chat using their own existing users base.  It is perfect for closed group discussions, social trading websites, health support group, admin areas where discussions are private or any type of private chat rooms for websites.

WordPress chat integration with your users

After installing the RumbleTalk plugin and creating an account, instructions can be found in here.
You now can use our self-explanatory chat settings.

1. The plugin was installed and the chat account was created. You will see one default chat was created (you can add more rooms when you upgrade your plan). Now you want to connect your WordPress users to the chat. Simply check the MEMBERS checkbox (see below), save and you are done. Checking this checkbox will seamlessly set the WordPress chat integration to use WordPress registered users.

2. Embed – Add the chat to a page where users need to login in order to see (in your member’s area). Use the shortcode to do it.

WP plugin short code

3. Test – Login to your WordPress members area, go to the page you added the chat too and you will see that you automatically logged in to the chat with their member’s area login username.

Wordpress chat plugins info

4. Important – Make sure the login option “Guests” checkbox is checked. Note, Although the “Guest login” is checked, it will not allow guests to log in but only the WordPress/BuddyPress/BBpress users.

Wordpress chat integration guest login

5. Settings – Now you can change your chat settings and customize it to your liking. To do it simply click on the settings button (the options are endless).

The chat is integrated with your users base.
Now, let’s see an example of a using the chat. Let’s take an example of a website that has 500 registered users. This site is giving advice for a group of Stock Traders (the registered users). When these traders are logged in to the site (after supplying their users and passwords). They will be immediately and automatically logged in to the chat room. It is that simple.

When using members login your Social Login is now disabled

Now you made your chat members only (private room). It means only allowed registered users may log in to the chat. In addition, users will not be able to log in with their social logins. e.g

  • Guest
  • Facebook
  • Twitter

Set administrators for a members only chat room

To create a chat administrators create a user in RubmleTalk with a username that’s exactly the same as your displayname in your WordPress user base.

To do this, simply go to your chat settings and open the “Users” tab. Click on the + and add a user with a password (make sure you add the admin email).

Login as an administrator

When users will open the chat page, they will be logged in automatically. The chat will identify when a user is also an administrator and will prompt them for a password. The administrator will need to provide the password for the first time in this browser, latter on the login will be automatic.

Note, administrators name are show in red by default.