Embed a group chat in a web page or add a Floating Chat Room

Looking to embed chat software on your website? A common question is the difference between embedding a group chat room directly into an HTML page (embedded chat room) versus adding it as a floating chat option (toolbar chat room). In both cases, we provide you with just a few lines of code to integrate into your HTML page seamlessly

See a quick view of the difference:

 Embedding a group chat room in a page

 Embed as Floating group chat Room

 About: The chat room will be added as an integral   part of the page.

 About: The chat room will be added as a floating   toolbar in the bottom right of the page.

Chat Size: You can control the size of the chat. When you add our code, it will consume all the size you will give it. Think of it as elastic chat.

If you wish to set a constant width and height, you can wrap the code we supply with div file.

<div style="max-width: 500px; max-height: 400px;"">

Chat Size: A floating chat size will be set in the admin panel. You can create the width and height of the chat room.


Chat ICON: The icon that is shown on the bottom left side can be changed to your own liking.

You can always get help from the RumbleTalk support team.
See how to start in here.

See how we designed a new chat room style only with CSS modifications.

One of RumbleTalk feature that was released in the past was the ability to personalize your chat room style using CSS. Since that first feature was introduced, many customers created an astonishing chat rooms in different shape and styles. This option gives creative minds the ability to build a unique chat room view.

One of our designer took the time to create a great chat room skin with only CSS modifications. The result was pretty amazing. We are going to package and use this skin as one of our default offered skins. This means that soon you will be able to switch your chat room style to this news advanced chat room.

For those who are not familiar with this option, you can find it in the
Admin panel –> Settings —> Advance Design.

CSS Editor changes will reflect immediately in the design on the right.

chat room style

Note, once you move to the CSS mode, you cannot go back to the visual editor without deleting all your modifications. This means one needs to choose a visual mode or a CSS design.

** CSS editor should be used by a person well known with CSS styling. If not, the chat design may not load.

News: New Joomla Chat Room Extension Plugin

We are happy to announce our new Joomla 3 Extension plugin for RumbleTalk chat room.
Now you can add the RumbleTalk chat room service into your joomla website in a couple of simple steps.

This release of Joomla 3 extension was added to former extensions releases.

  • Joomla 3.x extension (New)
  • Joomla 2.x extension
  • Joomla 1.7 extension
  • Joomla 1.5 extension

Joomla 3 chat room extension plugin

  1. First, you will need  your 8 chat chat code. Create account by entering your email & choose a password at https://www.rumbletalk.com/. Then click on the “chat settings” and go to the “Embed” section and get the chat room code.
  2. Second, Install the extension / Plugin (You can simply download it in Joomla website or in here at the bottom of the page). Than follow the next steps.
    • Go to your Joomla admin panel “Administration”, then to “Extensions” -> “Extension Manager”.
    • Select installation archive, for example “plg_rumbletalkchat_v3.x.zip”.
    • Click “Upload File & Install”, after that you should see message about successful installation.
    • Go to “Administration” -> “Extensions” -> “Plugin Manager”. Look for “RumbleTalk Chat – A Chat with Themes” plug-in, and click on it.
    • On next screen select “Enabled”, and insert RumbleTalk Chat code. Optionally set width and or height (both percents are pixels are allowed). Example width or height values: “400px” or “100%” (without quotes). Save the settings, after that you should see a success message.
  3. Inserting RumbleTalk Chat to Article.Once you installed the plugin, you will need to choose where to use it. To add it to a page/article :

    Go to “Content” -> “Article Manager”. Create new or edit existing Article. Insert {rumbletalkchat} shortcode anywhere inside Article.

This is pretty much all. You can see a full guide in here.