Make private payments using a chat on your website

An online chat service where you can request private payments?

Introducing, “payment request,” where you can request payments through private chat. This is extremely helpful if you advise, tutor, coach via a live chat.

When your customer wishes to pay for your time, you simply ask for payment and the customer pays online (in our case, using PayPal). PayPal will authorize the transaction and directly transfer the money to your RumbleTalk account.

How can you set it up?
You can do this just by activating the payment request feature first. To know how just keep on reading!

What are private payments?

private payments

You might be a bit confused as to how it really works.

Well, you can use the RumbleTalk chat for charging for your time. For example, if you’re a trade expert and you’re chatting privately with a customer, you can request him a payment for your additional time. Moreover, this can be useful for professionals like counselors, therapists, and experts in their respective fields.

If you’re more of a group chat person, you can use it for charging for your knowledge on a certain topic. For instance, let’s say that you’re in a group chat for trading and you talk about tips, right? Then, one of the members of the group is impressed with your tips and wants to talk to you in private. So, this is your opportunity to ask him/her for payment if he/she wants some additional tips besides what you’ve said in the group chat. As a result, that’s how you realize the worth of your knowledge.

Did I explain it clearly? Do you understand it better? If yes, then let’s go to how you can actually use it!

Activating payment request for private payments

If you want to use our payment request feature, then you can follow these easy steps I’ll show you.

  • Go to “Monetize” in your admin panel. You will see the option for “Payment request.” Click the box to activate it. Oops, don’t forget to save your changes!
payment request

  • Next, to request payment in a private chat, just click the dollar sign button in the upper right corner.
dollar sign

  • Then, add the amount you want to charge the other party.
payment amount

  • As a result, they will receive a message in the private chat that you’re requesting payment.
payment notification

  • They only need to click the pay button to be redirected to PayPal. Afterward, they can log-in to their account or they can use their debit/credit card if they don’t have one.
pay button

  • Once you get the payment, it will reflect immediately on your account. You can see it on “Monetize Records.”
monetize records

Important things to note:

  • You can only set your currency once so be sure before you set it. You will need to contact support if you ever need to change it.
  • Only you, the admin, can do a payment request.
  • Payment requests expire so be sure to finish the transaction immediately.

Our online payment service provider

There are lots of services that will process payments on your behalf through a payment system built into your website. Companies like PayPal and Venmo offer various payment options for businesses. Some companies do charge fees.

At RumbleTalk, we use PayPal for any kind of payment, may it be a donation, payment request, etc. PayPal is an e-commerce service that allows both individuals and companies to pay, send money, and accept payments without revealing any important financial information.

The platform uses a secure payment technology that enables individuals and businesses to accept debit/credit cards and PayPal payments for a percentage transaction fee. With multi-channel capability, individuals and businesses can accept payments on their website, mobile device, in-app, in-store, or send an invoice to customers via email.

With PayPal, we can ensure you that our payment request feature is safe and secure. Try it out and let us know what your experience is with PayPal and payment request. You can contact us via the “Support” button on your admin panel or through our website or any of our social media pages.

Using payment request

Using PayPal and our chat service, you can now request payment for your time and knowledge. Why don’t you try it? Instead of going through the hassle of pasting a link to an external site, you can just do it via our payment request feature.

With the payment request feature, you are able to lessen the time and hassle for you and your chatters. With a simple click, your money will be sent to you. Your chatters will also learn quickly the steps of sending you money. They only need to accept your request and they’re done! Once it goes through, you also get the money on your RumbleTalk account.

The payment request feature is very useful to gain some income. It makes you realize the worth of your time, knowledge, and yourself. Private payments can be made only by PayPal as of now, but we’re working on adding more currencies in the future. Subscribe to our newsletter to be updated for future features, updates, and releases.

Make secure online private payments via private chat

Remember how payments were made before when you needed to pay for advice or consultancy? We are happy to introduce the new online private payments!

Through private messaging, our online chat service supports online private payments. This means you, as the chat owner, can request for payment from a certain chatter.

Benefits of online private payments

payment request

Through payment request, customers will have the option to click the “Pay” button and be redirected to a secure payment portal. In the RumbleTalk platform, we use PayPal. That’s already one benefit down.

Second, online private payments are instantly reflected to your account. This means that these are real-time payments. You could send a payment request to a customer, he pays via chat, and voila, you can already see it in your “Monetize Records.”

Third, this saves time and effort. Instead of meeting a customer face-to-face, you can just send him/her a payment request.

So, you should take advantage of using online private payments for your website. It can not only benefit you but your customers as well. It makes a new connection between you and your customers.

Online private payments via payment request

Say goodbye to the days where you had to endure long lines just to make a single payment. With the payment request feature, you can send a payment request to your customer with a single click anytime, anywhere!

To activate the payment request feature, follow me through these simple steps!

  1. The first thing you need to do is activate it in the “Monetize” option in your admin panel. Just tick the box and save your changes! Actually, that’s the only thing you need to do to activate it. The other steps are just examples.
    payment request
  2. Second, see the dollar sign in your private chat? Click that to request payment from another chatter. Next, type in the amount you want to request.
    dollar sign
    payment amount
  3. As a result, the other chatter will be messaged by us that you have requested a certain amount. He/she needs to click the “pay” button to proceed.payment notificationpay button
  4. Finally, he/she will be redirected to PayPal for payment. online private payments

How is it? Easy, right? The most important thing you need to remember is to save your changes (always)! 


In conclusion, in today’s generation, we need online private payments. With the Internet and the progress of technology, we can rely more on our gadgets to make our lives easier.

The payment request feature is something that we added to do just that.

Finally, we’ve reached the end of this article. Did you learn something new? The real question is: Are you going to use this feature? Tag @RumbleTalk on Twitter and let us know about your experience. You can also read more of our blogs if you don’t want to wait! See you next time!

How To Add A RumbleTalk Group Chat in Google Sites

Google Sites is exactly what you’re thinking of, it’s a website builder managed by Google. If you’re using other website platforms, like Wix and WordPress, then this is something similar. In this blog, we’re here to guide you on how to add a chat in Google Sites.

If you’re already using Google’s products like Docs, Spreadsheets, Drive, and more, then you can add Google Sites to your list of tools. This will be great for your business.

This blog not only teaches you how to embed but also how to create your own Google Site.

Making Use of Google Sites

The advantage of Google Sites is that you can make a website in just minutes and without even having to know to code it yourself. In addition, another advantage is you can allow other Google users to edit your website, which makes it great for teams.

Like Wix and WordPress, Google Sites lets you make use of its site-builder features, such as themes. You can design your website any way you want it to. Add elements like calendars, spreadsheets, maps, etc. This makes it more functional and user-friendly. It all depends on how you want your site to look like (for example, professional or laid-back).

You need to have an account on Google to use Google Sites. So, if you don’t have one, you’ll be asked to create one before you can proceed on setting up your Google Site. Then, you’ll be able to choose your own domain or purchase a new one.

Can I embed on Google Sites?

A commonly asked question when using Google Sites is: Is embedding allowed in Google Sites?

Great question. Well, as you know, Google Sites is a continuously improving platform. In its first release, Google Sites did not allow embedding. But now, you can embed almost anything. From images to videos, and even chats, you can embed it on any page on your site.

All you need to do is create your own Google Site first. First, you will need to sign up on Google before you can create your Google Site. To do that, just go to and click “Sign In” in the top right corner. Instead of signing in, choose “Create account.” Type your email and your password. You now have your own Google account and you can now proceed with the next step.

Creating your own Google Site

The steps to create a Google Site are easy. As long as you have your own account on Google, all you need to do is sign in. Here’s a quick guide for you.

Set-up your Google Site

  • Sign in to Google Sites with your Google account.

  • Click the “+” button on the lower right corner.
google sites

  • You will be redirected to your own Google Site. Design and customize it any way you want!
google sites

With this, you can now start creating your own Google Site. You can add pages, images, and even customize your own headers. Choose what fits your site best.

Adding a chat in Google Sites

To allow your site followers to connect with you, you’ll most likely need a chat. Embedding a chat in Google Sites is easy. All you need is your HTML code and you can paste it on your website. In the following, we will show you a quick overview of how to add a chat in Google Sites.

group chat in google sites

Embedding RumbleTalk group chat in Google Sites

In this part, we will show you a guide on how you can add a group chat to Google Sites. This can add to the functionality of your site. Another advantage is that you can chat with your team members or the visitors to your website.

First, Get Your RumbleTalk JavaScript code

  • Log in to your RumbleTalk account and click on “Embed.”
embed chat

  • Click the “Get Code” button.
get code
  • Copy the code in the “code” box.

Embedding RumbleTalk in Google Sites

  • Log-in to your Google Sites account with your Google account.
  • Choose the website/domain you want to edit.
  • Click “Embed” on the right side.
insert chat in google sites

  • Choose “Embed Code” and insert your chat’s code.
embed a chat room in google sites

  • You will now see your group chat in your Google Site!
group chat in google sites

You’re done! With RumbleTalk chat as your group chat, you can easily customize your chat room’s look. In addition to that, you can add social sign-in and users who will be able to access the chat. You can even change from group chat to private chat if needed. This is a great example of flexibility and user-friendliness. So, what are you waiting for? Embed a RumbleTalk group chat in your Google Sites now!

Easier access

By embedding content on your Google Site, you make it simpler for people to access specific things, like information, files, and even sharing links. Through embedding a chat on your Google Site, people will see content that they don’t usually see. They can initiate a conversation with other people and with you (as the owner). For example, schools who embed a chat in their Google Site can use it for sharing documents and lectures. They can also hold conferences and meetings via video call or audio call for parents and teachers. There are lots of possibilities.

Why use RumbleTalk group chat in Google Sites

RumbleTalk makes it easy to embed a group chat on any website. With its automatic code generator, you can paste it on any website that allows embedding.

Moreover, group chats are great for your teams and your website visitors. With RumbleTalk, you can even customize the look of your chat room. In the group chat, there’s also a private chat. You can discuss privately some topics with other users. With that said, we’ve currently added features for deleting messages in a private chat and moving and resizing the private chat window.

If you want to know more about our features, then you can check out our knowledge base. Additionally, you can find the integration instructions for Google Sites here. Not only that, but you can also read about limiting users in your chat, users per room feature, personalizing your chat, and more in our blog!