New Feature: Moderated Chat for Live Events

Live events are part of the digital era. Normally in a live event, you will see a live broadcast next to a live moderated chat. With large online events there is a need to have tight control over your audience messages. We are happy to share with you the new beta version of moderated chat for live events and groups.

A Moderated Chat is an online chat for events with a speaker and group of audience, or a chat where there is a discussion happening. Comments or messages by members won’t be public unless an administrator approves it.

moderated chat

When a member of the chat room types a message, it will be immediately sent to the admin. The admin will now check every message and select appropriate messages or questions for the group chat.

Then, these messages will appear normally in the chat room if they are approved by the admin. If not, they will be automatically deleted.

How does Moderated Chat work?

  1. Admin – The admin screens messages/questions. He/she also appoint a new admin to moderate the chat room. The admin can also be the expert or chat owner.
  2. Chatters – Ask questions and read responses. In addition, they can send greetings/messages as long as it is approved by the admin.
  • On your admin panel, you will see the chat type setting.

  • The message approved by the admin will appear normally in the chat. Then, users will be able to respond to that specific message.
  • If not, the message will be automatically deleted.
  • If his/her message was approved or not, the member who sent the message will not be notified. He/she will just see in the chat if his/her message is there or not.


  • A user, who is not an admin, sends a message in the chat room.
  • All admins will see this message in their chat window. It’s up to them to approve or delete it. If it’s approved, then the message will be seen by all users. This is how it would look like:
google slides chat


  • You can change the moderated chat immediately to a normal group chat.
  • You can switch from moderated chat to paid moderated chat anytime.
  • Admins can screen messages and disconnect spammers and harassers in the chat.
  • If needed, it can also be used along with a block and filter words feature.
  • It’s an organized chat. While the normal group chat allows users to chat instantaneously, the moderated chat disables normal chatting. Messages will not go live unless the admin approves it. This lets the chat be safe and organized.

What other features can you use for chat moderation?

1. Disconnect

As the admin, you can disconnect users who don’t follow the rules. This can serve as a warning for users who spam messages. This is the next step after seeing the messages on the moderated chat. As the moderated chat lets the admin approve messages, you can then disconnect users who send inappropriate ones.

2. Ban

If the warning by disconnecting is not enough, you can also ban users by their IP addresses. This can also serve as the action for the worst-case scenario. These scenarios are applicable to harassers, predators, or members asking for private information (credit card number, address, etc).


3. Limit users

You can also limit users using your chat. There are many ways to do this.

First, you can register members to your chat room. Only specific members can enter the chat room. However, this is not useful for large events as you are limiting it only to users you know.

Second, you can also limit users by the chat rooms they can access. For example, one user can access only “Chat Room 1.” This also goes for the other admins. As a result, you can appoint users to a specific chat room only.

q&a live session

Lastly, you can use user authentication. This means that the log-in interface will not pop-up. Only private users can access the chat room.


To conclude this, we see that chat for events needs moderators and rules. Events are always crowded and rowdy. You can avoid that. Handling an event is tough, but with the correct solution, you can push through it.

The moderated chat is a solution for negative messages on your event. This can affect your company, product, or service. By having a moderated chat at your expense, you can build a better chat room. You can build a community that’s safe and a place that makes your chatters feel secure.

With the moderated chat and the additional features discussed above, you can provide for your members. In addition, you can ensure that no harmful messages will be sent out. The chat will be heavily moderated. If messages like these persist, you can always ban or disconnect the user. This depends on how his/her message can negatively impact the chat.

If you’re interested in building a community chat, then you can check out these following blogs: Important Community Chat Features for Administrators, Creating a Predator Safe Chat Room for Your Community and Step-by-Step Tutorial for Adding a Chat Membership to Your Site.

Keeping up with our new feature and latest updates? If yes, check out our social media pages (Facebook and Twitter)! You can connect with us there! Come chat or say hello! You can also check out our blog so you can read about our past features. You might want to register to our chat service if you find the perfect solution for you!

New Beta Feature: Four Special Ways for Text Formatting

We are happy to share with you the latest text formatting option and new line option.

Four special ways for text formatting

First, the new feature is special ways for text formatting. You can use this feature in four ways. All format tags need to be typed before and after the text.

  • First, you can mark your text using a tilde (~). This makes a strikethrough text. Here’s an example.
text formatting
text formatting

  • Second, mark your text with an asterisk (*). This will make your text bold. You can see an example below.
text formatting
text formatting

  • Third, mark your text with a grave accent (`). This makes your text red. It is perfect for adding code or anything you want to emphasize. See the example below for your reference.
text formatting
text formatting

  • Last but not least, mark your text with an underscore (_). This put the text in italic format. See the example as follows.
text formatting
text formatting

These are the four ways that you can do to mark your text.

Another new feature – New line

text formatting

In the introduction, I mentioned that there are two new features. This is where we talk about the other one. It’s making a new line (paragraph) through a single message box (For group and private chats).

When you press enter after you type, you immediately send the message. This is what happens, right? Now, in this added feature, if you use SHIFT+Enter, you can add another line. Here’s an example.

See? It’s very useful when you don’t want to break your flow of information. Another advantage is other members can’t send a message in between the messages that you want to convey. This is absolutely great to use in meetings, discussions, and even your normal chat announcements.

How do you use it?

Based on the purpose, you and your chat members can use it to identify a specific text as special. It can be used to highlight information that is important. You can use text formatting to make your members pay attention to a paragraph, sentence, or a word.

If you’re an online tutor, you can use it with your lessons. For example, if they’re reading a paragraph, they can highlight text that needs to be corrected. This can also be used when they need some clarification on a specific text. This makes it easier for discussions and for taking notes.

However, do make rules on text formatting when you’re using it for a class. For instance, if your student uses a tilde for strikethrough text, this means that this particular text or sentence is wrong. You need to be clear on using these special markings. Why? This will make your job easier. Not only that, but your student will also learn the importance of consistency. This will help him/her appreciate the flow and the strategy. As a result, he/she can also use this in other lessons.

When should you use it?

You can use it for meetings, lessons, and conferences, even in the normal chat rooms. Its primary use is to highlight a text. This means that this text is important. It screams, “Look at this!” Just like that! It brings your attention to it. Moreover, you don’t need to do a lot just to get this effect.

This is a fundamental strategy to get your members’ attention. If you’re an admin of a chat room, this is really useful. It can assist you in handling your members. You can use it for announcements and notices. Then, you’ll be sure that your members are paying attention. That way, you get the message across.

Why should you use it?

When you mark texts, this gives a sense of urgency. In turn, your members respect your authority. There is order in the chat room. Once you start using text formatting, your members will recognize it next time. If they see using bold text, this means the announcement is important. If they see a red text, then it’s a warning. Something in the lines of that.

You can also use this for your services. An example I’ve given earlier is about online tutoring. Let me use that again. When you introduce text formatting to your students, they will be actively engaged in your lesson. They will see these special marks as tools to make their life easier. In turn, you give them the advantage of learning and being attentive.

They can use this to summarize their works, highlight important details, and connect ideas given in the text. Text formatting is essential for class discussions. Once you use this in your lesson, students will quickly reference details that pertain to their class purpose.

For more new features

Now that we’ve shared our new features, you can expect more in the near future. We are currently working on new releases and updates, so stay tuned for that! If you want to be the first to know of our releases, follow us on Twitter and Facebook. You can see our old blog posts there as well. Here are our latest articles if you’re interested: Important Community Chat Features for Administrators, Chat Customization — Make Every Chat Room Unique, and Make private payments using a chat on your website.

You can see the trend of our articles. They not only talk about new releases but also talk about features you can use on a daily basis. If you still haven’t found the perfect chat for you, then maybe now’s the time to try RumbleTalk.

Online tutoring just got easier with your online chat tool

When you think of tutoring, do you only think of the traditional way? Why not think out of the box and think of an unconventional way? One that’s innovative and accessible to anyone. With an online chat tool, you can do online tutoring!

Online tutoring is just the same as real-world tutoring. You teach your student, but this is done with an online chat tool. When online tutoring comes to mind, you think of technical stuff that you might not get. This goes the same with your students. You might think of corrupted files, not submitting on time because of a slow connection, and more.

However, with technological advancements, this will not be a problem. In a lot of cases, online tutoring provides more learning. An online tutor can be closer than that of a public or private school tutor. In addition, it’s more affordable and convenient. What do you need to ask for more?

Real communication through an online chat tool

online tutoring

In a public or private school, there is a class of 15 to 20 students. It can be even more than that. There is a saying that online learning is not up to par with local schools. Why? It’s because there’s no real connection. They say that teachers in local schools give the students a sense of real connection. It’s also the best way to create an interpersonal relationship.

However, if you look closely, that’s not the reality. Because of the size of the class, not all students can connect with the teacher. Only a few select students do. That’s even rare. Because of the lesson only going for a certain period of time, students rush to their next class and there’s no room for a bond between teacher and student. This leads to the student not really enjoying the class and not really learning.

With online tutoring, you’re face to face with your student. You can chat a bit before and after lessons. You create a real connection. In your first meeting, you can talk about what the student enjoys in a class. You can then incorporate that to your syllabus. It’s a give-and-take process. You give what the student what he/she enjoys, and then he/she learns and takes part in the lessons actively. These one-on-one lessons encourage you to develop a teacher-student bond, one that goes through the test of time.

Groundbreaking technology

Some notions made online tutoring a negative choice. It’s been seen in a bad light for years. Because of underdeveloped technology, with slow connections, poor quality of images and audio, online tutoring was never the first choice. Now, all of that will change. 4G and 5G connections have saved online tutoring and you can now use an online chat tool with texts, uploading files, and video chat. More features are also present in the chat tool.

RumbleTalk is an online chat service that lets you have an online chat tool for all-in-one learning. Expert’s chat is a service that lets a professional offer his/her services on an online platform. With texts, audio call, and video call, we offer online tutors to connect with students and the ability to chat and even share documents with each other. Let’s see what are the different features of this online chat tool.

1. Upload any image, document, and more

Tutors and students alike can upload files so they can proceed with the lesson. This can be used for homework, quizzes, and even daily lessons. What’s more, is your student can upload images to share his/her progress in the lesson.

online class

2. Record audio and video

You can use recordings for language lessons. This is also a useful tool for take-home assignments on the weekend. You can leave a recording if you’re not around and the student can proceed on the lesson. In turn, your student can record a video talking about what the lesson is all about. As previously said, it’s all about to give and take.

online learning chat

3. Real-time communication with texts, video calls, and audio calls

Being an online chat tool, we have the basic features you need for online tutoring. The following options are available for your use.

  • Chat – You and your student can talk via texts or messages. You can discuss things before starting the actual lesson with a video call. This is also a great feature for keeping up with the daily activities of your students. You can ask how their day has been and small talk. This is the start of interpersonal communication.
online tutoring

  • Voice call – This is an audio call. You can use this if any of the party does not have a camera, at least you can still talk through audio calls. A lot of online tutoring classes do this, especially language ones. Some students can also request a voice only class as they might be taking these tutoring lessons on a public place. They may feel shy or it may not be allowed depending on the venue.
online tutoring

  • Video call – With video calls, you can have a face-to-face conversation. This is just like lessons in a real-world setting. This is the most effective of all the features. You can see each other and have interactive communication. You can also see what your student is doing in real time. In turn, your student will easily understand your lessons and listen attentively.
online tutoring

Online tutoring with an online chat

Through an online chat tool like this, you’ll never go wrong with online tutoring. All you need to set-up is an internet connection and register on our website. That’s it! If you want to know more about expert’s chat, you can check out our other blogs: Expert’s Chat Introduction, Expert’s Chat for Online Therapy, and Adding Subscription on your Chat. You can check out our blog for more of that!

Online tutoring will now be easy with our online chat tool. If you have any questions, you can chat us up on our social media pages (Facebook and Twitter). If you’re already registered to our service, you can contact us via “Support” on your admin panel. We will get back to you ASAP.