New Feature: Users Can Update or Delete Their Personal Data with a Few Clicks (GDPR)

With safety, security, and privacy becoming ever more important in this interconnected world we live in, RumbleTalk has added a new feature to coincide with the new GDPR regulations set forth by the EU. We are very happy to announce this positive development for users, administrators, and participants alike. RumbleTalk’s chats now offer the possibility for users to have complete control over their data.

With just a few clicks users can view and amend their information, or remove it completely. This makes personal data protection easy, quick, and straightforward for every user of RumbleTalk chats, no matter who hosts them.

How It Works

Now, all users can change, delete, or simply view what information has been saved about them on our servers instantly. This includes several points of interest. For example, it includes information such as:

  • Email addresses
  • Which chats users are logged into
  • When users last logged in to the system as a whole

RumbleTalk is committed to transparency when it comes to its users’ personal data. Users can access their information no matter when and no matter where in the world they are. All they need to be able to do so is access to their email account.

In order to get to their information, users simply have to follow a few easy steps.

First, visit

Once there, enter your email address. This has to be the same email address used to sign up for the chat, so the system can identify the correct account. This email address will not be shared with anyone; it’s simply used to identify the correct account and information. If a user enters an email address that does not match any account information held by RumbleTalk, no email will be sent. Moreover, it will prompt the user to enter the correct email address.

Next, confirm the email address entered by clicking on the verification link sent to the email submitted.

Once done, you’ll see a list of chat rooms you are registered to.

the chat list

After clicking on one, you’ll see all of your stored information.

chat room details

What You Can Do (and Keeping on Top of GDPR)

As per GDPR, here, users have the option to see what info RumbleTalk has saved, and you can change most of it. You can change descriptions, profile images, and first and last names. The only things you cannot change are usernames and create dates. The interface is simple and easy to use, and allows users to see all of their information at a quick glance.

The request deletion option allows users to completely remove any of their info from all RumbleTalk servers. The logins option shows users a list of when they logged in where. The last login shows the last time they logged into their profile.

Keep complete control over your personal data, no matter where in the world you are, with the request deletion option. Chat owners and administrators can share the link any time in the chat. This then reminds users and makes them aware that they are always in control of their info.

By sharing a verification link that prompts users to confirm their email address, this ensures that no one can gain any insight into a given user’s personal information. Without clicking on the confirmation link, it is impossible to view the information RumbleTalk holds, making this tool as secure as it can be.

While unscrupulous people may try to get users to share their email addresses, that alone is not enough to view their personal info. With email verification, you have complete reassurance that your data is always safe with RumbleTalk.

Top 8 Tools to Improve User Experience in a Private Chat

You’re very excited about the new community that you’re building on your website. Tons of people are getting in, talking about your product, sharing experiences and ideas, giving you direct feedback in the private chat —it couldn’t be more perfect.

But, then, of course, things don’t always go to plan. So you’ll need to be prepared to take your community and help them grow. They need YOU for that.

To give your users the best experience ever, help them understand the platform, to see that actually it’s so simple to usewe made it for you.

Imagine that you are in a chat room with different people. You’re all talking about this new product that you are going to launch and how it’s going to be the best event of the year. You are talking to your people and everybody is participating and giving you valuable feedback.

Then, imagine that a specific follower wants to talk to you in private because it’s the only way to get your full attention, and some of them don’t want to share questions with everybody on the chat. Sometimes they NEED to talk to you face to face, and they will feel pretty special about it.

So, they will be able to do it, OR NOT, according to your needs as admin of the chat.

RumbleTalk chat room with a private chat

Now it’s time to get down to business. After all, it’s not worth having a Ferrari if you don’t know to drive. To write this blog, we spoke with many users about their needs, and so here we’ll cover how to take the best approach with the private chat tools, and how to master it like a pro.

Here is the list of the 8 top tools that will help you to take the best advantage of private chats to handle your chat as an expert!

  • Private audio and video calls
  • Framed chat messages
  • Private new message’s indicator
  • Private chat transcript
  • Ignore option to some (annoying) users
  • Live media options
  • Admin differential color
  • Remove the “Invite friends” button if you don’t need it

Now, I will like to go deeper, one by one. So when you finish reading this post, you will manage it like a real boss!

Private Audio and Video Calls

Spontaneous video conversation from the private chat

These two options are the cherry on the top of that vanilla ice cream. With them, you’re able to have the most direct and real conversation that exists in the human world! Cheers!

Framed Chat Messages

Single frame sentences show separately who is talking

In a bubble-framed chat, it’s more than clear who is saying what. It’s going to keep it simple for all the users to understand each others’ ideas. So, not only the chat room, but also the private chat is single-framed and you easily can see who the sender/receiver is.

Private NEW message indicator

Red indicator from the left side of the chat to show who is sending you a private message

After many requests from chatters, here is the much-awaited indicator of new private messages on the image from the sender. Whoopee! So you clearly will see from the right side who is sending you a secret message even if you are having another conversation.

Private chat Transcript

How to save private conversations history

So, who cares about storage the hundreds of words with information about the tastes and value content of your users? Well, actually many people were asking for this. Technical, but very useful information!

Private chat history is saved in your computer until you close the browser. Just remember that you, as an admin, can’t access another user’s private conversations. It is simply not polite to do it and in some countries not legal. We know how to keep a secret, in secret.

Admin differential color

This is the easiest way for users to find you. But still, it’s your own chat, so you can change it anytime with CSS basic rules.

Red color on the admin’s name to recognize who it is

Ignore option to (some annoying) messages/users

Stop seeing private messages from specific users that you don’t want to, without exiting the chat.

Live media options

Share links, images, and YouTube videos. So basically anything that will be relevant for your community can also be sent in a private chat. To do it, just click on the little attach icon.

Click on the button at the bottom-right of the window to upload information that you want to share

Remove the “Invite friends” button if you don’t need it

Personalization of the “Invite friends” button in the Social Setting window

Not relevant at all for your registered community? Just hide it in the Social Settings window.

So, tell me, which of these tools do you find the most useful for your community? I will be very happy to hear from you, feel free to contact me at I totally believe that after these recommendations you will manage your community easier and so much faster! And, just in case, if you finish reading and still don’t have your own community, this is your chance to sign up and start enjoying it today!

WordPress Chat Integration Made Easy – Connect your Usersbase with a Click

What if I tell you that a WordPress chat integration is a click away. We have tried to make user base integration easy, so we took all the heavy lifting from you and made one checkbox to allow your chat to be fully integrated with your WordPress database.

Now your registered users will be able to automatically login to your WordPress chat room. This means that the chat can be accessed only by WordPress users, registered and/or by users, you decide to set as admin or simple users in the RumbleTalk users management.

Chat and User Base Integration made easy

WordPress chat integration is perfect not only for WordPress users base but for all products using it underneath, like members plugins, BBpress or BuddyPress plugin.

integarte your users base with WordPress. WP Chat Integration Made Easy

This feature is for companies that wish to create a private members group chat using their own existing users base.  It is perfect for closed group discussions, social trading websites, health support group, admin areas where discussions are private or any type of private chat rooms for websites.

WordPress chat integration with your users

After installing the RumbleTalk plugin and creating an account, instructions can be found in here.
You now can use our self-explanatory chat settings.

1. The plugin was installed and the chat account was created. You will see one default chat was created (you can add more rooms when you upgrade your plan). Now you want to connect your WordPress users to the chat. Simply check the MEMBERS checkbox (see below), save and you are done. Checking this checkbox will seamlessly set the WordPress chat integration to use WordPress registered users.

2. Embed – Add the chat to a page where users need to login in order to see (in your member’s area). Use the shortcode to do it.

WP plugin short code

3. Test – Login to your WordPress members area, go to the page you added the chat too and you will see that you automatically logged in to the chat with their member’s area login username.

Wordpress chat plugins info

4. Important – Make sure the login option “Guests” checkbox is checked. Note, Although the “Guest login” is checked, it will not allow guests to log in but only the WordPress/BuddyPress/BBpress users.

Wordpress chat integration guest login

5. Settings – Now you can change your chat settings and customize it to your liking. To do it simply click on the settings button (the options are endless).

The chat is integrated with your users base.
Now, let’s see an example of a using the chat. Let’s take an example of a website that has 500 registered users. This site is giving advice for a group of Stock Traders (the registered users). When these traders are logged in to the site (after supplying their users and passwords). They will be immediately and automatically logged in to the chat room. It is that simple.

When using members login your Social Login is now disabled

Now you made your chat members only (private room). It means only allowed registered users may log in to the chat. In addition, users will not be able to log in with their social logins. e.g

  • Guest
  • Facebook
  • Twitter

Set administrators for a members only chat room

To create a chat administrators create a user in RubmleTalk with a username that’s exactly the same as your displayname in your WordPress user base.

To do this, simply go to your chat settings and open the “Users” tab. Click on the + and add a user with a password (make sure you add the admin email).

Login as an administrator

When users will open the chat page, they will be logged in automatically. The chat will identify when a user is also an administrator and will prompt them for a password. The administrator will need to provide the password for the first time in this browser, latter on the login will be automatic.

Note, administrators name are show in red by default.