New Feature: Chat Mentions


We are pleased to announce a new feature here at RumbleTalk: chat mentions.

While having a conversation in a chat room, you may need to call the attention of a specific team member. With mentions, simply type the person’s username with an @ before it in your message to grab their attention.

For example: “Hey @John, wondering if you got my message?”

chat mentions

If you @mention someone in a room, their name will be highlighted in blue.

Then, anyone clicking on the name will open a private message window with the person; this of course if private messages are set to “on” for all.

Note: in the event the user has already left the conversation, an empty private message will show.

Here’s a quick recap.

How to post a chat mentions?

  1. Type your message in the text box.
  2. Type the “@” symbol before the username(s) when addressing a particular user(s). Example: “I like your style @Username!”
  3. Click enter to post.