As a group chat widget service provider, we try to explain from time to time what has changed in the past decade with respect to chats. This post is trying to answer various questions in that domain.
The obvious fact that group chat widget in the online arena is being used to connect people over the web and let them discuss a topic or event.
In the past decade, online chatting has become an essential tool for online support, It is also being used in group discussion, medical help, social trading, communities and much more.
Not many know that in today’s world, websites and blogs are benefiting from adding a group chat to their site.
The main benefit is getting more visitors engagements. People actually talk online with other site visitors or with the website owner. Online chat widget is also giving a further reason for visitors to return to the website and help to create a positive buzz around a website topic.
In addition, Google has changed the way they index websites (The Panda algorithm).
Panda regards longer visits time as essential for giving higher rank to a website.
This is exactly the positive outcome of adding a social chat widget to your website.
Some of RumbleTalk customers have increased their average visit time from 1 minute to 3 minutes simply by adding RumbleTalk chat to their website.
And that is not all, one can also use the chat to add more valuable data to their website. A customer may use the conversation script/history created by their website visitors and export it into HTML. Then they add it to the website.