News: We just released a new chat skin

We have worked hard to add a new chat skin to RumbleTalk theme library.
I am glad to share with you that we released it today after 2 months of beta. The beauty of the new chat skin is that, with a simple change in background image or color, it will create a totally new look and feel.

new chat skin

We’ve change a bit the way background is being integrated in this skin. Normally in all skins, when you added a huge photo, only a part of it will be shown in the case the chat is smaller than the image size. The new theme will show the full image as a background, no matter what the size of the chat is.

The new skin include various changes, like responsive re-sizing. This means that if you open the chat in Full screen and them re-size the screen, the chat will shrink with it without loosing proportions.

We solved some bug as well as  added a variety of tags to support better visually impaired customers. Another important release is that we changed our set of smiles to be yellow instead of green (for all chat room themes / skins).

Want a customizable chat room? Visit the website to learn more.

Case Study: Chat Rooms In the Service of Medical Surgeons

Go Live, a broadcasting production company, chose the RumbleTalk chat room for their medical surgery live broadcasting.

The chat room was placed next to a live stream video. The video was showing a broadcast of a live heap vain surgery. More than 100 medical doctors were viewing and remarking on the surgery, some from mobile and some using their desktop browser. This made it easy to ask questions and get answers during an on-line surgery.

medical chat rooms

Live broadcasting is becoming very powerful tool in the medical arena.
There are 2 main ways it is used.

1 – Live chat next to live broadcasting for teaching young doctors or nurses to deal with special medical procedures.

2 – Live chat next to a live broadcasting for helping young sergeants, doctors, and nurses to preform new (to them) procedures with an escort of a specialist.

This is very helpful for upcoming doctors and nurses to join in the conversation and learn from their educators.

Nowadays, livestreaming with chat rooms are seeing an increase in their usage. Why? It’s easier to communicate with your audience and see what they’re saying when you have a chat room next to a live broadcast. Instead of one-way communication, you’re allowing your audience to give their input. Chat rooms make these live events more appealing and engaging.

See how we designed a new chat room style only with CSS modifications.

One of RumbleTalk feature that was released in the past was the ability to personalize your chat room style using CSS. Since that first feature was introduced, many customers created an astonishing chat rooms in different shape and styles. This option gives creative minds the ability to build a unique chat room view.

One of our designer took the time to create a great chat room skin with only CSS modifications. The result was pretty amazing. We are going to package and use this skin as one of our default offered skins. This means that soon you will be able to switch your chat room style to this news advanced chat room.

For those who are not familiar with this option, you can find it in the
Admin panel –> Settings —> Advance Design.

CSS Editor changes will reflect immediately in the design on the right.

chat room style

Note, once you move to the CSS mode, you cannot go back to the visual editor without deleting all your modifications. This means one needs to choose a visual mode or a CSS design.

** CSS editor should be used by a person well known with CSS styling. If not, the chat design may not load.