Virtual Meeting Rooms: Live Event Chat and Businesses

In today’s digital age, our requirements for meeting rooms are changing. Nowadays, just a plain room with a projector and a few power outlets won’t cut it anymore. Things are too fast, too hectic, and often the attendees aren’t in the same city—or even on the same continent.

Enter live event chat. Not only do these allow businesses to host their meetings online, but also, unlike “standard” streams, they encourage attendee participation. With live event chat, everyone who is viewing can ask questions or interact with the people holding the meeting virtually. That means no more raised hands, impatient throat clearing, or confused mumbling!

Virtual over Real—Why Live Event Chat?

The most obvious answer to this question is volume—if a company rents a meeting room for fifty people then the venue will, at most, allow fifty people in. If that’s not enough, the company has two options. One: to find and hire a bigger (and likely more expensive) room, or two, to reduce the number of attendees they otherwise could have had.

First of all, no company wants to find itself in the position of turning people away. And yet, booking an extra room can be just as tricky depending on the available resources.

Fortunately, the perfect solution is only a mouse-click away—online events and live chats and streams.

With an online live event chat, there is no real limitation on attendees. You can invite any number of people in the whole world—simply invite them to attend via a link or email. And you can even charge them a low-level fee to attend if you wish, thereby increasing revenue exponentially.

Live Event Chat—A Real-Life Example

One such service providing virtual meeting rooms today is RumbleTalk. RumbleTalk is leading the way with its simplicity.

On the left-hand side, a video and text block will outlay the presentation, and/or the speaker that is holding the meeting. On the right-hand side of the screen, the attendees have a chat window.

All of them are listed on one side of it, with the actual conversational chat window right beside it. That way, all attendees can tell what’s going on in just a heartbeat, and the organizational team has an easy overview over who’s there and who’s not, as well as who said what.

With RumbleTalk, users can have a proper profile, including a username and profile. This not only makes the whole experience a more personal one, but also, it allows the hosts to more easily identify people by name or photo.

Live event chat box service

Interactions with the Speaker, Questions, and Comments

RumbleTalk specifically encourages participation, comments, and questions from attendees by giving them chat-space next to the video section of the screen. All attendees can post their comments, and like in any regular chat room, the moderators and hosts can then reply and add their own comments.

The advantage of this over regular Q&A’s is that no comments get lost. All comments are saved in the chat log, and can be dealt with one by one. As such, this medium actually facilitates communication with attendees as comments are never lost or ignored.

Not only that, but RumbleTalk also incorporates features similar to YouTube. The viewers can “full screen” the video that’s being streamed if they wish. This allows users to tune out the chat section if it gets too busy or too distracting for them. It can be much more pleasant to view the video without the chat in some circumstances. And for slower internet connections there are quality settings, and an indicator shows whether the content is live or not.

You can even pause the viewed video. Unlike in “real” meetings, where missing something will inconvenience the listener, in a virtual setting, the webinar or meeting can be paused, or even rewound. No more missed info or lost context!

Trolls, Mediation, and Moderators

Unfortunately, in any live event chat of a certain size (remember, this can be several hundred people or more), a few may try to interrupt or disturb the flow of the event. Obviously, this needs to be regulated, and repeat offenders need to be banned, or at least warned.

RumbleTalk has excellent moderation tools, as well as spam prevention. Anyone with moderation rights can simply remove users or ban them from using the chat section altogether. This way, the event retains a friendly and positive atmosphere for all the serious attendees. Now, these tools may not always be necessary for smaller or private live chat events, however, they are always available. This gives peace of mind to hosts and companies wanting to use these services for their events.

All in all, RumbleTalk provides a great alternative to traditional meetings, saving valuable resources, facilitating communication, and allowing near-unlimited attendees for companies that want to host big (or small) events, meetings, or seminars. Go to {enter link} today to learn more about how RumbleTalk can be part of your live event solution.

Group Chat Is a Smart Investment for Stock Traders

There are few industries in which real-time chat is as important as it is in the world of finance, or more specifically, stock trading. The fact that you’re working in the industry doesn’t necessarily mean the money is going to make itself (or does it?). Because of the fickle and sometimes volatile nature of the stock market, stock traders must be vigilant and consistently on top of their game.

In order to do this successfully, it requires a mix of focus, instinct, and intelligence. Stock traders seldom work solo, thus when working with a team it’s also critical that they practice quick and effective communication. With the high degree of unpredictability in the industry, both buyer and sellers need an open, secure space to ask questions, get answers and create an open dialogue.

Superior File Sharing Capabilities

For those running trading websites or other finance related sites, adding a live chat room can significantly enhance your service as well as your overall ability to make trades quickly and effectually. RumbleTalk can provide a great environment for sharing useful information and communicating with others in real time, which can be an extremely valuable tool for stock traders.

Not only does it offer site managers the ability to customize the chat application to complement their personal Internet sites, it includes tools for seamless file sharing (users can send internal documents such as word documents and PowerPoint presentations), embedded videos and images, recording audio, sending audio and video chat capabilities.

Say you’re a stock trader, or perhaps even an industry analyst; many of the materials and details you use are truly visual in nature. Traders count on data and quantified metrics such as charts, tables and graphs, which can provide visual clues on stock patterns or price fluctuations. Materials like these can be easily sent back in forth with RumbleTalk, delivering the proper preparation stock buyers and sellers need to collaborate, train other stock traders; whatever helps them earn greater returns.

Traders chat

Fewer Missed Opportunities For All

The increased productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness of professionals that use a chat system like RumbleTalk means faster decision making, fewer missed opportunities and can also translate to considerable cost savings, as less time is wasted as a result of operational inefficiencies (even if it only saves each employee ten minutes of time each day, it could still offer savings of over 1% of a company’s salary bill).

Now say for instance, you’re running or have already launched a day trading website. Previously, day trading activity was limited to financial firms and professional speculators but now, the number of at-home traders is on the rise. You can now find them managing their own live trading sites, in chat rooms talking with other stock traders, engaging in joint analyses, sharing files, receiving buy and sell alerts, or receiving heads-up on swings trades. All of which can be done utilizing RumbleTalk!

A Safe & Secure Environment

When using RumbleTalk, stock traders can also be confident they are sharing their files in a safe and secure environment. In the highly competitive world of stock trading, sensitive information is passed back and forth quite often; thus users want to be ensured that their information isn’t susceptible to hackers.

Continuing on the theme of privacy and security, RumbleTalk also allows managers to insert their own users base for automatic log in. This feature can be used for teams of trading experts that wish to develop a private group chat utilizing only their own existing users base; perfect for closed-group discussions among buyers and sellers.

RumbleTalk can be an extremely useful tool for website owners and aspiring traders alike. It can help provide improved customer service, boost conversion rates, and for those just getting started in the world of stock trading, create a unique opportunity to learn the ropes of investing while communicating with other traders!

Why Group Chat Is an Indispensable Tool for the Leading Trader

RumbleTalk’s primary goal is to connect digital communities, a goal that has been demonstrably achieved in the trading community.

Picture the scene – you are working at your computer on your latest lesson plan.

Right now you have a few dozen loyal followers, but you’re hoping for more in the next few months. You visit your favorite trading blog for inspiration when suddenly, you come across a post that is strangely familiar.

As you compare it to your own content your worst fears are realized – it is unquestionably yours. A guide that you spent hours brainstorming, researching, writing and updating for your paying customers has been stolen from your supposedly secure traders site.

Certain alarming questions come to mind: if your followers can access your content for free on another site, why would they stick with you? Why should new followers join you?

The owner of the site might agree to removing your stolen content this time, but who knows where else it might show up. And what is to stop it happening again?

That’s where RumbleTalk comes in.

A Traders’ Tool

RumbleTalk can give you the security you need and much more besides. Our traders’ tool grants you access to a space in which you can instantly and confidentially reach your followers whatever the medium. In the example above your work was stolen, and hours of effort were spent trying to contain the situation.

By securing your chat, RumbleTalk frees you to invest (pun intended) all of your energy into providing the best content possible.

day traders chat room

That means enriching your words with technical graphs, spreadsheets and presentations to provide a deeper context in an industry where understanding is the key to success.

Technology is often accused of pulling us apart, but RumbleTalk can bring you and your followers closer together with a sense of immediacy and collaboration that is usually only found in the boardroom, and which will keep your followers coming back for more.


With RumbleTalk, a trading veteran can host lessons for hundreds of followers at once. Text, images, and even video and audio recordings can all be used to explain why one stock shows promise and why another should be avoided in a nuanced and comprehensive way.

The group chat can be accessed via a provided URL or it can be embedded into any or all pages of your website – whatever works for your community. You can tier your service, providing the most insight to trusted paying members in a private group chat in an exclusive, password-protected area of your website.

The problem above has been solved, and now no one can access your content without payment and permission. Many traders’ chats allow access to anyone regardless of their experience or motivations, but with RumbleTalk, no one enters the group chat without your say-so.

If for whatever reason there is someone in the chat who you no longer want there, you as administrator can suspend or remove them from the chat with the click of a button.

Finally, your insider knowledge and years of experience can be done justice with a slick and state of the art traders’ chat, one that will swiftly justify your price in the minds of your followers.

You will wonder how you ever operated without a group chat. All group chats are hosted on our servers, so you never need to worry about server performance or bandwidth compromising your service. Our chat rooms are protected by end-to-end SSL/TLS encryption technology, so you can rest assured that no one is listening in. In short – we’ve got you covered.

Always Remain in Control

RumbleTalk enables you to host a group chat and talk to all of your followers at once, but it also allows you to hold private conversations with select people as well.

These conversations come with all the benefits of a group chat, as well as the option to launch a video or audio call. You might want to issue a warning to a select user for inappropriate behavior, or provide additional resources to a particularly inquisitive follower – video and audio calls are ideal for when you want clear and direct one-on-one communication.

These private conversations are just as secure as group chats, the data transfers encrypted by WebRTC technology. We understand that ironclad security above all else is paramount in your industry

We might be (slightly) biased, but there really are no downsides to having a group chat for the leading trader. RumbleTalk allows you to communicate effectively to your followers and ensures that you are always in control. Whether you want to speak privately to a user, or provide guidance to hundreds – RumbleTalk can help, whatever your needs. Get in touch to find out more.