Five Steps to Increase Event Engagement by 40 Percent

As an event organizer, there is one thing you really want—high event engagement from the general public. Whether the event is offline or online, you spend hours preparing, booking, advertising, and organizing a successful and ultimately lucrative event.

All of that takes a lot of time, effort, and money.

So, how can you maximize your event engagement you get for your input?
And what if there were additional ways to stage your event, ones that resulted in more ticket sales regardless of the venue size?

This may seem impossible, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. With over three years of running successful events, we’ve mapped out how to raise engagement. Below you will find our five easy-to-follow steps to help you increase your event participation by up to 40 percent.

1. Online and Offline Event Engagement

Many people think of events as either offline or online—two completely separate ideas with no crossover.

As an event organizer, you want to make your event truly unique, something people will remember. That’s why it’s important to think outside the box.

So, how can you plan something that would utilize these two forms of the event at once?

You just need extra ways for people to access your event content. The great thing is, they’re easy to set up in the form of virtual tickets.

In fact, along with an events webpage, you only need two additional things to make an offline event into an online one!

  • A live stream of the event. Streaming is incredibly popular and there are many widely available tools that can provide an online broadcast of your event. Look through some options like Livestream, or even YouTube broadcast. It is also useful for you as an organizer to set up a recording of this broadcast, we’ll get to why later! Tip: There are many online broadcasting tools that you can use, like live stream or even using Youtube broadcast.event engagement broadcast chat
  • A live chat room for the event. An online event chat room is a great way to keep your virtual attendees engaged. We recommend placing the chat room alongside or beneath your live stream; this way participants can watch and chat together as the event progresses. Tip: Chat rooms tend to generate a lot of content (e.g., messages), so do your research and ensure that the chat room you select can handle high levels of traffic!

With your live stream and your chat room embedded onto your page, you’re almost ready. But before you make your virtual tickets available, you do need to decide something important…

Are You Going to Offer Free or Paid-for Tickets?

  • Free Tickets – For this setup, you do not need anything extra. You have your page, your live stream, and your chat room. So, all people need is the link to the event page itself!
  • Paid for Tickets – These require one more thing, a payment page. All of your event engagement content should be hidden behind this and only become accessible once a ticket has been purchased. Tip: We recommend that you sell virtual tickets at 40 percent of a venue ticket price. This will generate more sales and revenue increases.

2. Get Everyone Talking

The next step for your event engagement is to provide ways for your offline and online participants to engage with each other.

One great way to do this is to have the chat room available to all everyone attending the event. You can achieve this by providing a link or QR code to the chat room, and getting offline attendees to join on their mobile phones. Not only can everyone share questions or thoughts, but even presenters can join in if they want to.

event chat

In addition to the above, we recommend that the events page itself is displayed on screens around the venue. We have found this has a positive impact on the digital participation of attendees and lets everyone see what’s going on.

3. Customize Your Offering

As the event organizer, it’s up to you to make sure your page ties into the theme of the event.

Make sure you incorporate any color schemes you might have used in the actual venue. Logos are also a helpful touch here and do not underestimate the importance of customizing your chat room. Chat rooms such as ours here at RumbleTalk have brilliant features such as skins, additional design options or for the more advanced user, and CSS options which will allow you to match it to your theme.

Be sure to look through all the site options available to you and don’t be afraid to play around until you have something you’re happy with.

4. Reflect and Analyze

A successful event does not mean everything is done when the attendees go home.

It’s important that you take stock of the day and analyze the final outcome. If you have set up the above, you already have all the data you need.

Your chat room will have a log, and remember that live stream recording? You can go through that and see where things really hit the mark, or where they may have fallen short.

All that’s left to do is go through it all and pull valuable learning points from it for next time.

5. Increase Your Publicity for Free

Finally, we have found one more thing to be incredibly helpful, especially when setting up future events.

As an organizer, you should take your transcripts from the day, format them to HTML, and add them to your events page. This turns everything in the transcripts into keywords associated with your site. It is this data that is used by tech giants such as Google and Yahoo to determine search results. The more keywords available, the more likely your site will be to come up.

An additional benefit is that the more information you have available that a search engine can find, the higher your web page’s SEO ranking will be.

These are good for increasing the number of visitors to your current and future event pages. It’s also free so really there is nothing to lose by doing it!

Digital Design: Three Key Chat Tools for Webmasters

The more web designers we speak to on chat tools, the more we hear about how much the web industry has evolved with respect to chat platform and other html tools. The popularity of buying products and services online continues its upward trend. As a result of this growth, web designers and front-end developers find themselves in great demand.

Today, many web designers are finding new and profitable ways to grow their businesses beyond traditional design and build services. One way they set themselves apart is by having a solid understanding of third party systems and integrations.

Knowing which apps and services you can recommend and help implement for your clients is half the battle. This allows you to broaden your services as well as create new revenue streams for your business. One of these services is a live group chat for your site, like RumbleTalk. Knowing what chat tools for webmasters there are is also important.

When you’re crafting a website, the ability to customize and tweak the design elements so they align with the vision of the site is crucial. If you and your client make the wise decision to add chat capabilities to their site, congrats! You made the first step to increasing your web traffic and digital footprint.

There’s a reason why RumbleTalk is a favorite among web designers. It all comes down to versatility and ease of use. In this post we are going to focus on three key chat tools for webmasters when using RumbleTalk.

Changing Chat Themes on the Fly

When you sign up for the RumbleTalk chat service, the system automatically creates the chat room with a default theme. Some tend to keep this skin and others choose to change it. It’s completely your choice!

chat tools theme

We know how important it is for designers to have creative freedom. This is why RumbleTalk has flexible settings when it comes to design. The ability to change your chat room style on the fly is one of many great benefits.

You can change the theme of your RumbleTalk chat room from the skins menu. After you have picked out a theme that strikes your fancy, you can make more changes by using the advanced design option.

If you still aren’t satisfied with the design, you can make even further adjustments to change the look and feel. This can be done by utilizing RumbleTalk’s advanced CSS capabilities.

Now, what if you want to make a change to the chat theme quickly or while you are actually chatting with someone? No problem. You can always change, fine-tune or adapt the theme, font and position of all the images. When you’re done, hit refresh and voila! Changes implemented.

You can learn more about this process here.

Customized Floating Icons

There are two different ways RumbleTalk can be added to a website. One is by adding it as an actual part of the page. The other more popular option is to add it as a floating tool bar. Adding RumbleTalk as a floating tool bar also allows web designers to customize the floating icon so it integrates with their client’s brand and the design themes of the site properly.

Based on the floating chat settings, web designers can choose to use small and delicate icons that “jump” up and down, or larger versions of the floating chat icons. Again, customization is key, and you can do this based on the design elements of the site.

Web professionals can also adjust the size and design of the chat icons. They can do this by going to the admin panel and clicking on the tab in chat settings called “floating.” There you can set the icon width height and bounce rate.

Personalized Offline Messages with HTML Tags

Now lets say your designing a site for a client and have added RumbleTalk as a floating icon. We all live busy lives, so the client recognizes they won’t be able to provide around the clock presence and 24/7 customer service. This is where RumbleTalk’s “OFFLINE” social chat mode comes in.

When in Offline Mode, you can still customize the design and utilize html tags. To set the chat to offline mode, you can simply go to the admin panel, click on chat settings, and click on the Offline tab.

For example:
<span style=”color:white;”>Please contact us </span>

From here web masters can either simply set a message using plain text or html tags stating that the site manager is offline, or if you desire you can add a form with various contact fields that when submitted, will send a message to a pre-defined email.

Chat Tools Conclusion

These three key chat tools for webmasters can be very useful when designing websites. Ten years ago, we could only imagine that designing a web site could be so quick and easy. Platforms like WordPress and Joomla can make it extremely easy for webmasters to recommend plugins, offer their own themes and share them with their customers.

However, website design is not necessarily the end of the customer needs. Many wish to further energize their sites and the three chat tools for webmasters can help to that. On top of having a great website or blog, they wish to have a vibrant community discussing their website topics; and that my friends, is where we come in.

Pairing Web Conferencing with Real-Time Chat Has a Dynamic Effect on Organizations

Competing in today’s global marketplace has become increasingly challenging. Businesses have been forced to streamline operations and reduce costs while also boosting productivity. This is one of the many reasons why a growing number of organizations are now choosing to use web conferencing.

Web conferencing software has been on the market since the mid-90s, but today’s solutions are robust, easy to use, and customizable. When used correctly they can save an organization time and money while also improving internal and external communications.

Key Features of Web Conferencing Solutions

Web conferencing products allow one or more participants to share presentations over the Internet. There are mouse-controlled pointers so you can draw attention to important areas on slides and images, and there are markup tools which allow you to annotate your slides and highlight key information. In many solutions out there, there is also a virtual whiteboard which the chairperson (or host) and participants can write on.

web conferencing by solarwinds

Web conferencing software also allows administrators to record each meeting. This means you can store these meetings in a database and then refer to them to at a later date. If a participant misses a web conference, they can easily catch up at their own pace at a time they find convenient.

How Real-Time Chat Improves the Web Conferencing Experience

The best web conferences not only show streaming audio and video. They include a real-time chat set alongside the streaming conference where participants can interact with the chairperson and other users.

RumbleTalk is one of the leading solutions when it comes to real-time chat rooms. This HTML5 chat room service offers a number of attractive features for participants and administrators:

For Participants

Through RumbleTalk, participants are able to chat both as a group and privately. You can hold private conversations in text, audio, and video through the use of Google’s WebRTC technology.

This technology also makes it easy for users to share a variety of resources, including:

  • Files
  • Images
  • Audio messages
  • YouTube and Vimeo videos

For Administrators

Before your web conference starts, you can customize the chat by choosing from a array of pre-made themes, custom design features, and custom notification sounds. RumbleTalk automatically archives all chat histories for three months, and users can export them as an HTML file.

RumbleTalk also makes it easy to moderate your web conferencing conversations. Administrators can disconnect users, delete messages, and ban IP addresses to ensure that their chat goes smoothly and stays on-point.

Another key feature which is attractive to both participants and administrators is that users have the ability to “pin” multiple points in a conversation. Participants can scroll through the messages at their leisure, and moderators can make sure that all questions and concerns shared in the chat are properly addressed.

web conferencing by veeam

Real-time chat enhances the user experience during a web conference. Being able to interact with the host and other participants not only means addressing queries on the spot. It is convenient, promotes a sense of community, and it allows organizations to trim their expenses while driving productivity.

To learn more about how RumbleTalk can benefit your company, we welcome you to visit