Secure Chat Room, what it actually means?

Chat security is a hot topic right now. Scammers and hackers often manage to get information from what users thought was a secure chat room. So, what really makes a chat secure? And does RumbleTalk have what it takes?

RumbleTalk Ensures a Secure Chat Room

Unlike many conventional chat services, RumbleTalk places high stock in secure chatting. We accomplish this in three ways:

  • The first “layer” of security is that RumbleTalk encrypts every bit of communication with SSL.

This is the same type of encryption and safekeeping that stores use to protect credit card info when making payments online. Not only online merchants, but also, banks and governments rely on this technology in order to keep information safe.

secure chat ssl

  • The second measure to keep chats secure is that the chats are kept entirely separate from one another.

More often than not, online chats aren’t set up that way. While you might only see the content from your chat, others are usually closely connected in the back-end. This allows easy access to hackers and scammers. RumbleTalk keeps each chat stored separately in order to avoid this.

  • The third and most variable layer of security is controlling the user base.

With RumbleTalk, you can manage this one yourself via login control. You can set up pre-defined users, admins, moderators, and secure URLs. Moreover, users can create password protected rooms or public chats depending on the need.
Advance users (developers) will be able to use the RumbleTalk REST API to integrate their users base so their users will not need to login to the chat room. Go to for more API information.

Customization and Personalization Is Key

It’s clear that different users have different needs and requirements when it comes to security. The use and purpose of a chat will really dictate the level of security needed. For example, a public chat open to everyone will have completely different requirements from a closed event video stream. This is, again, different from an internal company chat. There is an infinite set of possibilities and requirements, which can only be met with customization.
secure chat for spammers - typing too fast
Fortunately, RumbleTalk has this in spades. Various measures help to provide the right amount of security needed, including:

  • Black and white lists for IPs to restrict access from unwanted persons
  • Typing to fast – spammers prevention.
  • Spam filter – word blacklist
  • The option to set up predefined users and share the login details with the chat participants
  • Keeping a log of who does and says what in the chat, which makes monitoring even easier
  • You can set up admin and moderator users to oversee the chats in real time

So if a secure chat room is one of the things you’re after with your online chat, rest assured, RumbleTalk has you covered. Check out the live demo here.

Yesterday Is History… Chat History and Logs

How much of a chat is archived can vary greatly from one chat to the next. While customer service chats will often keep the entire conversation on file—and sometimes even offer to send a copy of the chat history to an email address—this is not always the case.

Many online chats, for example on fan sites, do not keep logs at all. Instead, they are set up to automatically delete messages. This usually happens either after a certain amount of time has elapsed, or a certain amount of messages have been posted. Depending on the setup of the chat, the conditions vary greatly.

For example:

  • Anonymous chats that keep nothing but a few messages
  • Chats that save on a day-by-day basis.
  • Chats that allow you to save the transcript and go over it when you are offline.

The thing they all have in common, however, is that it’s rarely up to the user to decide. They may get a choice on whether or not to have a transcript or a few similar options, but full customization is another story altogether.

Chat History Customizations and More

RumbleTalk offers the full suite. Whether you want to keep every message sent or even per session for limited periods of time, anything is possible.

RumbleTalk chat supports exporting the chat history at any given point. This could be after each session, in the middle of one, or even days later. It is also possible to keep no chat history at all. If you choose this option, all messages will disappear when the chat is closed and are not saved at all. Similarly, if you want to keep a limited history, go right ahead.

chat history export transcript

It is also possible to use one chat room for multiple conversations. You can manually clear the cache (clear archive) of it to make it “as good as new” each time. And you can seamlessly combine this with keeping backups and saving the previous conversations whenever you want. Sometimes it can be more convenient to have several rooms to be able to have more conversations at once, but even then the history settings are individual.

While it is possible to administer several chats in the background, they can absolutely have different settings, depending entirely on your needs. Something like a client chat can have complete records kept, while an internal team chat may not need nearly as much in the way of permanent history.

When you want to export your backups and save files is also up to you. How long they are available depends on the type of keeping history choosing, but the files are downloadable anywhere and anytime.

For more tips and tricks, visit

4 Ways to Login as a Chat Room Admin (Moderator)?

Logging into your RumbleTalk chat room as a chat room admin (moderator) is easy.
and there are four ways to do it.

First-things-first, you need to create a chat room admin user. If you haven’t already done that, see this blog post for detailed instructions on how to do it. Note, the user name you choose should be placed in the Nick-Name field.

Once you’ve got your admin user created, now you’re ready to log in. Here are the four different ways you can log in as admin:

First, go to your chat room, then, click on “Click here to join the conversation…” button at the bottom of the chat window.

This will open the four different options to login (as a chat room admin you can decide which login option you would like to have).


1. Login with RumbleTalk

Select the “RumbleTalk” option (as the admin user you can change the name RumbleTalk to your own name), and simply use the chat room admin credentials provided to you or created in the User Management panel. Remember, the admin username you have created is case sensitive. Simply enter it here and you’re in!

Your name will show in the chat room in a red font.

2. Login as facebook & twitter

Once you created a user name with the exact name of your twitter or Facebook name. Select the “facebook” or “twitter” option, and a screen will pop up inviting you to enter your facebook or twitter credentials.

Once you enter your case sensitive chat room admin username and password, it will ask you to “authorize app.”

Click on “authorize app” and then you will be asked to provide your username password (the one you defined in the admin panel). And that is it, you’re in!

Your name will show in the chat room in a red font.

3. Login as Guest

Select the “guest” option, and a window will pop up requesting you enter your name.

Simply type in your name (your case sensitive admin name that is), click “Login,” and then you will be asked to provide your username password (the one defined in the admin panel). And that is it, you’re in!

Your name will show in the chat room in a red font.

4. Login Automatically

When one uses the API to login (Quick API or REST API), then he can allow users to automatically login into the chat. For example, let’s assume one have a members area that users need to login to. When they do, they can automatically login to the chat room. If the admin user was created in RumbleTalk admin panel and in the Members area. Then the chat will ask the user to provide his username password (the one defined in the admin panel). And that is it, you’re in!

For ready made plugins. Like WordPress, once you go to the RumbleTalk Chat plugin settings. Choose your chat room’s name, ensure the box underneath “Members” is selected.

Now users will be able to access your chat without having to log in at all! And admin will be asked to supply their password.