Trading Chat Rooms for Day Traders can Increase your Revenues

Let’s talk about Integrating a day trading chat room into your website.

now, the process itself is pretty easy.

  1. You create an account.
  2. Get your chat code.
  3. Embed in your website that code.

That’s it. If you need more information, check our starting-up guide.

But the main question is why you should do it at all.

So, let’s explain it from scratch. As a day trader, you are likely familiar with how important it is to stay on top of developing market trends. Integrating a day trading chat room into your website will help facilitate the exchange of information, like new hot stocks and identifying trends.

But, there is more to just exchanging information.

You can gain money!
Once your chatroom is a hit and gets more traffic, you can sell signals to other traders.
You can make it easy for users to subscribe to participate in a real-time chat and get the information on the spot.

Trading Chat rooms can also draw new traders

The draw of day trading is pretty obvious. It entices many people who are interested in making a quick return on investment. However, entering the world of day trading can be overwhelming, especially for individuals who are new to the stock market.

In these instances, day trading chat rooms and message boards can be a valuable resource.

  • Share technical charts (upload images)
  • record audio messages
  • record video messages
  • Take live photos
  • Use it also from mobile

add your technical charts into your chat room with a click

Though chat rooms are quite popular among traders and influencers within the day trading industry day trading chat rooms for communities are making their way to be the next great tool.

Many day traders still rely on chat rooms as a primary way to learn about market trends and new stocks that may be worth buying.

Some chat rooms are excellent, helping people learn how to navigate the stock market and best benefit from day trading.  Others are, at best, a distraction.

Below, we try to discuss in more detail ideas of how chat rooms can be a helpful resource in the day trading community.

Why Do You Need A Chatroom (a group chat)? 

The best ideas are often generated from a crowd, rather than an individual.

In today’s virtual world, where many of our coworkers and collaborators may be working from across the world, chat rooms can act as a platform for exchanging ideas.

If you are actively involved in running a day trading website, there is no better way to communicate with the users of your site than a chatroom. Chat rooms allow for personal discussions and are a way to provide mentorship to new-day traders.

Engage Your User Base 

Maybe your website includes a membership chat. Often members are able to access more exclusive content and can use more advanced site features.

What kind of content could you include in the members-only portion of the site?

One possibility is a chatroom. Allowing members to have access to specific day trading chat rooms may keep them satisfied with the value they get for their money. If this is something attractive, It could also attract new members to the site.

Members will have the ability to ask you questions (as the trading guru) and can consult with other traders, collaborate with them about limits, and sell signals, trends…..etc.

trading chat rooms can be embeded in two minutes

Traders chat room is probably the best way to communicate with the group. They can send their opinion on buying and selling. They can share their own stories and discuss various trends.

Chat rooms create a way to increase connection, and engagement, and create a sense of community within the website. This will keep users coming back to the site and ultimately make it more successful.

Increase sales – members fee

Depending on your website, it may be a good idea to encourage users to pay a fee to access members-only content and the chatroom.

Some people may be hesitant to pay for content. After all, why would you pay for something when there is so much free content available on the Internet today?

You have to make sure the paid content is valuable and worth investing in!

When people pay for something, they often view it as an investment. This makes it more likely that they will place a higher value on that item and use it more.

In the case of a chatroom, it may be a good idea to allow users to test the chatroom for FREE for a period of time. This way, they will be able to see how it works, how helpful it can be, and how it can actually help them make better investments. Then they will be more likely to choose to pay to access the chatroom permanently.

For new traders, you could also offer special one-on-one chats to provide guidance and personalized advice. This could be another way of increasing revenue, as many users would be willing to pay for expert advice.

Day trading chat rooms can truly be a valuable resource for individuals who are interested in getting the most bang for their buck on the stock market.

Group Collaboration

Many individuals who are new to day trading likely will struggle with selecting what stocks to buy and knowing when to sell. Even more, experienced traders sometimes will want advice.

trading group discussion using a chat room

With the Internet, it has become much easier to do your own research without having to seek personal guidance. However, it is always nice to have the option to reach out to someone who is more experienced.

Day trading chat rooms make this possible. New traders may have questions about what stocks to buy, whether they are good buys, and when to sell them. They could pose this question to a group in a chatroom and get real answers from real people quite quickly.

Day trading attracts a wide variety of people, each of whom has likely had their own interesting experiences in investing in the stock market. Chat rooms make it possible to take advantage of all of this otherwise untapped wisdom.

Get your own chat room, it is 2 minutes to embed your own chat room !!!
If you use WordPress, then connecting your user base is even easier. Just one click and your entire WordPress/buddypress users will be integrated.

7 Chat Transcript Tactics to Increase Your Customer Engagement

This is a post about chat transcript tactics from a new angel.

Using a chatroom on your website can greatly improve a customer’s experience in a variety of different ways. Most obviously, they are able to establish contact with the community and quickly and easily join a live discussion.

Perhaps you had a particularly great conversation through your chatroom and believe it could be helpful for other customers.

Well, you’re in luck! Chat transcripts can be a secret goldmine for marketing professionals and website owners.

What is a Chat Transcript? 

A chat transcript is essentially a record of a conversation that took place in a chatroom. At the end of a chat session or virtual event, the webmaster can choose to export the chatroom transcript.

chat transcript example

Chatroom transcripts can be especially helpful because multiple points of view are present in the conversation. As the webmaster, you may find yourself publishing articles or posts that you think your audience would find helpful. Chat transcripts can demystify this process, as they represent the questions and interests expressed by visitors and customers.

Exporting a Chat Transcript 

When exporting a chat transcript, you have two methods to choose from.

  1. Export directly from the chatroom. This simple method involves logging into the chatroom and clicking on the export button in the lower left corner. You can only export the chat dialogue displayed in the current window, so it may be necessary to scroll up several times so all the relevant content will be exported. After clicking export, an HTML file will download in your browser. Once the download is complete, you can save the file and copy the link onto your website so users can access it directly. export transcript from the chat roomThis option can be done by any chatter unless you prevent it.
  2. Export from the admin panel. This is a slightly more advanced method, but still pretty simple to complete. This option, however, is only available for the account owner. After logging into your RumbleTalk account, go to the chatroom settings and click on “Archive”. The archive section keeps a record of all the chatroom history. If you are looking for chats that pertain to certain topics or for a specific conversation, you can perform a search using keywords.export as htmlYou can also search for chats that took place on or between various dates. Once you have found the chat you are looking for, click on the “Export As HTML” button located at the top of the window. An HTML file will download and you will be able to save the file and use it as you wish on your website.

Keep in mind that you may want to clean up the chat transcript slightly if you are planning on publishing it on your website or making it available to a wider audience. You can do it after an export using simple notepad editor.

There may be content in the transcript, like bad language or another distracting language, that may need to be removed in order to have a transcript that is more reader friendly.

How To Use A Chat Transcript: 7 Tactics

Now that you have the chat transcript to work with, you may be wondering how to use it most effectively.

There are several options to choose from depending on the content of the chat and how you want to share it with your audience. Below we will discuss 7 different tactics:

Tactic 1 – SEO

If you are interested in directing new visitors to your website, you may be interested in using the chat transcript for SEO purposes.

After exporting your chatroom transcript, you could add it to your website. Web crawlers like Google will then be able to pick up on various keywords that web users may be searching for. When web users perform searches using the same keywords, your website will be more likely to pop up. This helps increase your SEO.

Tactic 2 – Email

You may also wish to export a transcript and then send it directly to users who are already on your email list.

Obviously, your whole audience isn’t able to participate in a chat at the same time. Maybe a particular chat addressed some topics that you think other users would be particularly interested in. Sending regular emails also helps maintain a sense of connection with your audience.

Tactic 3 – Share the Chat on Social Media

Chat transcripts can also be great for sharing on social media. They may inspire you to think of new ways to connect with your audience and help you in creating greater buzz around your product or website.

You can grab small pieces of the transcript, like a particularly good quote or question, and share it on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, or anywhere else!

Tactic 4 – Be Inspired!  

Maybe you are looking for new ideas to keep your website and content interesting and relevant.  Chat transcripts can provide great insight into what users think and what they want from your website.

Good chatroom conversations can inspire a blog post or article that you know other readers and users will also be interested in.

Tactic 5 – Find Keywords

Chat transcripts contain a ton a valuable information that could help you think of new ways to advertise your website.

Based on the content of the chat, you may think of different keywords to use to create more publicity and attention for your site.

Tactic 6 – Save the Transcript as a Proof

Saving an archive of chat transcripts can also be a great idea, as they can serve a number of different purposes. You may want to use these proofs in the future for research, legal reasons, or as reference material.

Tactic 7 – Engage Your Audience

Finally, you can also use chat transcripts to better engage your audience.

When you place a chat transcript on your website, other users who didn’t participate in the chat are able to stay updated. The transcripts may contain valuable information like news or website changes.

Even if they didn’t participate in the original chat, users can still feel more connected. By seeing the webmaster engage with other users, they can get a better sense of how much the webmaster cares.

3 Reasons to Use a Hosted Chat Room On Your Website

Over the years, the way that websites webmasters use chat rooms has evolved. In the past, it was common for a webmaster to install chat room software into a client’s website. This involved downloading, configuring, installing, and maintaining the chat room.

Now, there are better and simpler solutions! Using a hosted chat room service (cloud computing chat room) is much more typical these days.

Why the change?

Chatroom software could potentially be a huge headache for webmasters, creating problems within the website to a degree that it could possibly harm your business.

Case Study: A Real Life Horror Story for a Webmaster


This is an email from one of our customers that used to use a chat software within his website.

During a live event chat, he was forced to stop the chat, potentially causing him to lose customers and business. His words are below:

I installed a chatroom software script and used it for a 2 hour broadcast.
There were 6 people on the chat and maybe 20 messages in total were

Within a short period, my hosting company took my entire site down because 
they said the chat function was creating 20,000 queries per minute
and that it was using all the system resources of the server. Also, it 
was not obvious to me how to uninstall the script and I had to get my 
developer to fix it.

Can you imagine this happening to you or your business? How unprofessional! One small hiccup with chatroom software could seriously damage your reputation.

So how could this have been prevented? Below we will discuss how this happened, and three reasons why it is wiser to use a hosted chat room service in the cloud rather than chat room script software on your website.

Hosting Companies Prefer Websites Without Chatroom Software


Hosting companies do not like chatroom software. To understand why, let’s first make sure we understand what a hosting company does.

hosted chat room service

All websites are installed on a server controlled by a hosting company. Generally, hosting companies want to install as many sites as possible on one server. Even a small server machine with only a 1 CPU server could potentially host over 2,000 websites.

Bulkier websites take up more space and memory. Using chat room software on a website is a very heavy CPU and memory consumer. This means that the server has to devote more of its resources to make sure that one website is operating smoothly.

Like in the real life example above, one chatroom on one website could very well slow down the entire server because of all the server resources it is using. This means that 2,000 websites could go down just because of one little chatroom.


In contrast, using a professionally hosted chat room service avoids these problems. Because the chat room is essentially run separately from your site, your website and all the websites on your server can continue to operate effectively.

Don’t make the same mistake of the man above! Chat room software can cause problems for you, your business, and all the other websites on your server.

Pricing of Hosted chat Room vs Chatroom Software


When calculating the cost of using chatroom software, it is important to take all the peripheral costs into account as well.

First, the chatroom script software itself will likely be expensive. In order to run the software, the appropriate server is necessary. For a chatroom with heavy traffic, you will definitely need a stronger server with at least 4 CPU’s and 16 GB of memory.

Another option is to use several parallel servers. Either way, this can easily get expensive.

Beyond the cost of running chat room software, someone will also need to install and maintain the software. This involves making sure it is configured correctly and dealing with any malfunctions that may pop up.

This process can be very time consuming, as the installation process can be complicated. While it may have initially seemed like a good idea, using a chatroom software could end up being a real pain.

And, what if you need to upgrade your server to allow more chatters to get in?

This will require from your webmaster to configure a new server, migrate the current software and basically do a new installation. Webmasters know, it is always (always) an issue to migrate from one small server to another bigger server.

Conversely, using a hosted chat room service really is very simple, as they can be easily integrated into your website. Just add one little bit of code into the HTML and you’re done!

Chatroom Software Can Make Your Website Sluggish


When you install chatroom software on your website, chatters must use the machine (server) resources to talk (e.g memory and CPU). All the resources used to operate your website or database must be spread a bit thinner in order to make sure the chatroom functions properly.

Why does this matter?

Well, if the chatroom is heavily loaded, which can happen easily, more and more resources must be used to make sure the chat keeps working. This means that other parts of your website will run much more slowly.

hosted vs software

Chatroom software is generally not very robust. Load balancers, which help spread out the workload on a website, usually are not built into chatroom software, which can really pose a problem in a case of heavy chat traffic.

Another negative is that the chat software may not provide any way of backing up or storing conversation transcripts, which can be frustrating. You can always do it via the database, but hey, do you really want to get that way?

To compare, a professionally hosted chat room service does not share your website resources. This means all the CPU, memory, and bandwidth can be distributed amongst other parts of your website to keep it running fast and without any hiccups.

Essentially, a hosted chat room is run completely separately from your website. This avoids all the problems you may encounter using a chatroom software.

Though separate, a hosted chat room can still be seamlessly incorporated into your website. You are able to customize the style and feel of the chatroom so that it fits in perfectly with your site’s design and aesthetic.

Considering the cost-effectiveness, ease of use, and customized design options, it is hard to imagine choosing a chatroom solution other than a professionally hosted chat room service. Try it now!

hosted chat room style