Utilizing Depression Chat Room to Combat Mental Illness

Specific depression chat rooms can be a powerful resource for individuals who are struggling with mental illness. Chatrooms are such a good resource for several reasons.

Below, we will discuss why and how depression chat rooms are a good idea.

Why Are Depression Chat Room Beneficial?

Mental health problems and illnesses are becoming more and more widely talked about today. However, mental illness still carries a negative mental stigma.

For some individuals who are battling with depression, they may be hesitant to tell people about it. Friends and family could be judgmental. Some of them may not even believe in depression.

Truthfully, some people don’t fully understand depression. They think that depressed individuals are just choosing to be sad all the time rather than happy.

Because of this, some depressed individuals may have no one to turn to when dealing with their depression. Others may desire professional help, but are afraid of going to talk to a counselor or psychologist in person or see a doctor.

For this reason, having the ability to talk about your experience with depression in a chat room could be extremely helpful.

A Completely Anonymous Experience

For some depressed individuals, the thought of telling anyone about their depression could be terrifying. They may not want to be a burden, even to their close friends or family members. Others may be embarrassed about telling anyone they are dealing with depression, even trained professionals.

Depression chat room service

Beyond the out-loud sharing component, counselors, psychologists, and other mental health professionals are also trained to be able to pick-up on physical tendencies and characteristics in order to help individuals deal with their problems. This idea may be unsettling to individuals who are very private.

Seeking help in a chatroom setting could help an individual overcome these problems. For users, they could use the chat room as a guest or log in with a pseudo-name to hide their identity.

Individuals would be able to reveal as much or as little about themselves and their specific situation as they were comfortable with in the chat room setting. Over time, as they grew more accustomed to the experience, individuals may choose to be more open and honest and receive more personalized help and advice.

Both Professional and Personal Advice

Depending on the type of chat room, individuals could potentially receive different levels and types of advice. For mental health professional’s who have a website or are employed by a mental health website, they may be responsible for monitoring the chat rooms. They are responsible for providing counseling services via the chatroom. This could be on a spontaneous basis with strangers who visit the website, or by appointment with returning clients.

Professionals must go to school for many years to become experts in their field. They know how to provide the best help to individuals suffering from depression. Seeking their help is obviously a good idea. They may provide coping strategies and various ways of overcoming and managing depression to clients. Counselors and psychologists also have the ability to refer patients to psychiatrists are they are in need of medicines.

Some chat rooms may also serve as a forum for groups of individuals who are battling depression to form a community. They could use the chatroom to talk about their personal struggles and stories and what treatment has worked for them. Individuals could take comfort in knowing that they are not alone in their struggles.

Depression chatrooms could be a place for individuals to seek professional help and make connections with other patients and clients.

Transitioning to Other Forms of Counseling

Depression chatrooms may be the first step towards treatment for some people who are trying to manage their depression. These individuals could potentially receive great treatment in the chatroom, just by explaining their problems in their own writing and receiving written advice and counseling from professionals.

For some, this experience may encourage them to seek out other forms of counseling. RumbleTalk chat rooms allow for the option of moving to a live phone call from the chatroom. This may be a viable way of creating an even more personal counseling experience.

For example, an individual may have stumbled upon a depression chat room one evening when they were feeling particularly low. They could have connected with a great counselor in the chatroom and developed a relationship with them over time. At some point, they may be ready to receive even more personalized guidance via a phone call.

This transition could then lead to video calls or even in-person counseling sessions, as some chat room counselors may be local to the area or have professional connections that they could refer the client to.

While often just thought of as a fun place to meet new people on the Internet, chat rooms can also provide some other very valuable services. Depression chat rooms, in particular, are sure to have a big impact on the lives of many individuals.

Get your own chat room, register here.

New Login SDK functions: Logout & LogoutCB (For Developers)

This is one of the most requested features by our customers using the RumbleTalk Login SDK.

When users have logged in automatically via the Login SDK. They actually inherit the credentials from the chat owner users base and are allowed to login automatically.
However, if the chat owner wishes to force a logout of a user, he was unable to do so.

Now, he can. RumbleTalk is happy to announce a new two Logout options.


Chat owner can now initiate logout of users using the Login SDK.

To do so, call the following function:

<script type="text/javascript">
        userId: 'USERS_ID', // [optional]
        username: 'USERS_NAME' // [optional]

The [optional] parameters “USERS_ID” and “USERS_ID” are optional and used only to validate that the correct user is being logged out.
They can be used separately or together.
Excluding them will remove the connected user (who’s browser called the function) regardless of their “user id” and\or “username”

Logout Callback

Chat owners can now also listen to the event of a user logout.

To do so, call the following function:

<script type="text/javascript">
        callback: 'CALLBACK_FUNCTION'

The “CALLBACK_FUNCTION” will be called with a “reason” variable when the user logs out of the chat.
An example of the callback function is such:

function (reason) {
    // code to execute on logout

currently, the following values are possible for the reason variable:

  • “button_clicked” – the user clicked on the logout button
  • “sdk_request” – the “logout” function of the SDK was called
  • “unknown” – the user disconnected from the chat for an unknown reason (such as network connectivity problems)

Membership Site: Making Your Site More Interactive and Engaging

For any webmaster or website owner who runs a membership site, a top priority is how to make the site as interactive for users as possible.

The  internet is filled with so much content and so many options for users. To keep members of your site interested and give them an incentive to keep coming back, it is essential to provide them with engaging and interactive content.

Below, we will discuss a few ways that you can make sure your website is full of clickable, shareable, and interactive content. You will attract new visitors to your site and turn these visitors into members!

Create Engaging and Unique Content for Your Members

Think about your favorite websites.

What makes them so interesting to you? Why do you keep returning to them?

The most likely reason is because they are providing you with new content that you can’t find anywhere else. Not only is this content new, it is also geared directly towards your interests.

In order to run a successful website, it is key to know your audience so that you can know what kind of content they are looking for.

If you operate a technology website, you know your visitors likely come to the site to read about the latest and greatest new tools, gadgets, and gizmos. Producing content that fulfills this need is the first step to keep visitors coming to your site. It also makes it more likely that visitors will become members of your website, especially if they are offered access to additional content.

Providing visitors with an incentive to become members may seem like a challenge, but really it should not be so difficult if you already know how to create engaging content. Many membership sites allow for members to have access to more interactive features of the site.

For example, members of a website may have the ability to comment on an article or have access to forums and message boards. These features allow members to interact with one another, exchange ideas, and build community.  Visitors would not benefit from these features, giving them an incentive to become members.

Give Your Membership Site A Voice

One way you could immediately boost the interactivity of your website is by adding a chatroom.

Chatrooms add so much value to a website for many reasons. We will discuss a few below:

  1. Members only chatrooms create an incentive for visitors to become members. If a visitor to your site has a question or wants to participate in a conversation, giving them the option of accessing a chatroom may be the deciding factor in whether they become a member.
  2. Chatrooms help members get to know one another. In the online world, it is more challenging to build connections with people. Having the ability to talk to other website members in a chatroom makes this process a little bit easier.
  3. Chatrooms allow you to interact with your users. Depending on the type of website you operate, there will likely be times when you want to speak to your members directly. While you could always post a blog update or an article, talking with members in a chatroom allows for real-time interaction. Users may have questions that you can respond to quickly. Interacting with users in a chatroom is the closest thing to a real-life conversation you may ever have with your users.
  4. Chatrooms have many interactive features. Some chatrooms allow users to send files in the chat. This can be helpful if you want to send photos or documents. Another popular chatroom feature is the option to voice chat or video chat. This features is really helpful if members are trying to get to know one another.

Use Your Chatroom Wisely!

After recognizing some of the benefits above, you may make the move of adding a chatroom to your membership site. Don’t make the mistake of stopping there!

Chatrooms can drive new visitors to your site, make membership to your site worthwhile, and increase your website’s interactivity. However, you must be sure to take advantage of the chatroom’s potential.

When you first incorporate a chatroom into your website, it is up to you to make sure members benefit from it, especially at first.

One way you can ensure members are using the chatroom is to set up regular members only chats.

What would this look like?

Well, you could tell your members that you will be available in the chatroom during a set time each week. You could facilitate discussions, answer questions, and get to know them during this time.

After a few regularly schedule chats, members will become familiar with using the chatroom. Depending on your site’s chat capabilities, they may return there on their own  to have private conversations.

Once you get the momentum rolling, the chatroom is sure to take off in your membership site.

We only discussed a few of the more obvious ways you can boost member engagement and make your membership site more interactive. There are many more! What other methods do you use?