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What is a moderated chat?

Moderated Chat is a chat type that also serves as a group chat. However, in a Moderated Chat, users can send messages that will then need to be approved by a chat admin before sending to all.

RumbleTalk makes it easy to approve and delete messages by letting admins pre-approve messages before all users can see it in the chat room.

moderated chat

Moderated Chat is useful for Q&A sessions or live events.

There are two views on a Moderated Chat.

  • Admin – The admin will see all incoming messages, and he/she would have to approve them before they get sent out. See the image above for the example of admin’s view.
  • User – The user won’t be able to see other users messages unless they have been approved by the admin. Also, a user won’t have the ability to approve/delete messages. Therefore, he/she will see it as a normal message on the chat. If a message gets approved/deleted, a user won’t be notified. It’s either he/she sees it on the chat or not.
screen messages

Here’s a short video you can watch to know more about the chat type.

If you have any additional questions or if you’re having issues in changing your chat type, you can send us a message at
