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How to set a page password?

A minitsite page is a page you can set for every chat. This chat can be public so once published everyone can see the page. However, you have also the option to protect this page with a password.

Currently, there are two ways to add a password for your page:

  • Setting a new password for a page
  • Changing an already exiting password for a page

When you haven’t published your page yet, you can set a password when you click the gear button at the top right.

Your password must be between 6 and 50 characters and cannot contain commas. Any user opening your published page will be required to type it before they can access your page.

When your page is already published, you can then change your password. To change your page’s password, follow the steps above.

Note, before, it was Set password. After publishing, it changes to change password.

When changing your password, it will also give you an option to unset the current one. If you click on it, it will revert the page to its original state. This means that anyone with your page link can immediately enter it.

Here’s a short video to serve as your guide.

That’s how easy it is to set a page password.
