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How do I set a page name?

The reserved name is a unique string used as your special URL to easily access your chat room pages. To set a page name, here’s the steps you need to follow.

page name
  1. Go to Page.
  2. Click the gear icon and select Set reserved name (if there’s no name set yet).
  3. You will be redirected to the General Account Settings.
  4. Set a page name by typing it in the Reserved URL name box (must be between 5 and 63 characters, start with a letter and contain only lowercase letters and numbers).
  5. Click Save changes.

Why do users tend to set a page name?

Users who have dedicated pages set a reserved name to make a unique URL. Therefore, when visitors go to their minisite, the reserved name will make it memorable, leading to visitors returning again.

If you’re having problems in setting one, send us a message at
